☑️ User agreement checkbox on sign in screen

I haven’t give a try to this checkbox yet, but I should.

As long as the checked box event is logged in user profiles, this checkbox should be displayed only when the user has typed his email address (to perform a check with the associated user profile, if any already existing with this email). The T&C and policy links must remain displayed any time.

So… Is it the way this UA checkbox works today?

@Mark & the Glide team: great work, this is the first step on the journey but this should NOT be a Pro feature in my opinion.

I’m really surprised by that, even though all of my use cases going forward will require a Pro plan.

In terms of aesthetics, I would prefer a custom text box so we could hyperlink within the preamble text, rather than showing a line of links above - that looks a bit clunky but I get this is just a workable MVP.

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@Mark: I also think the sub heading for this should be USER CONSENT (not agreement, since consent is a specific terminology used throughout the GDPR documentation).

@garrison Which sub-heading are you referring to? Could you please show a screenshot?

The sub-heading in your screenshot above, the one under: Settings > Sign In > User Agreement (the section under ‘Branding’ in the settings panel.)

Yes, that is true. However Glide has a lot of features that are already Pro only, Email Whitelist, Branding, apps that need to go beyond the 500 row limit, to name a few.

User agreements, T&C, those kinds of things shouldn’t be Pro only, due to the very nature of privacy. Why offer User Specific Colums, or Row Owners, if privacy wasn’t an issue?

I will never assume to know all of Glide’s particulars about what features to offer for free or Pro, but I do think that the investors who see a product taking off quicker than othe no-code tools as an investment, and therefore capitalize on it.

And whether certain features offered are free or not, will not be a dealbreaker for me, as there have been some amazing features that I could never get on other platforms.

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Which ones?

@JackVaughan I think you should put in the documentation which functionality in Glide that cannot be used in the free tier if you are creating an app targeted at EU citizens - and use personal data. I would think that the list should amongst others include favorites, user specific data, form button, user profiles, locations plus the different entry fields.
Further, as it is now possible to send feedback to the app owner the app is (always) processing personal data - and therefore a free tier app can’t be used at all. (would love to see the argument telling the opposite, actually)

@david as the things you can use the app for when targeted at the EU citizens as mentioned above is quite limited I think you have chosen the wrong path when you decided to make privacy a Pro option. Of course you might have taken a business decision that the EU market should only use pro subscriptions.

@mark if the app is public (and pro) how are we as app developers going to get consent from the user to use their personal data? Isn’t it correct that some personal data is obtained from the user of a public app - like ip address? And what about cookies?


amazing :+1:

@Krivo Can you give an example with screenshot of an app that asks for permission to use a user’s IP address? Also, why can’t you use the new agreement feature for that?

Glide will now add a checkbox to your App: Logins sheet when a user logs in with the agreement checkbox checked.

Checking the checkbox is still required, so once you turn on the checkbox, all logins will come in with the checkbox in the sheet.


Hi @Tim_Sullivan I’ve done this but looks like a user has to sign in to Google even though I’ve allowed access to anyone with the link?

Hey @mark,
I think this checkbox should (must?) be used at sign up time, not sign in time. In Glide roadmap, a sign up form or screen would make sense, the users would be ab’e to create their account (and profile) and they would check the checkbox only once, and not each time they log in (not so good for adoption…).

As said by @krivo, if an app is public, do nothing with personal data except is the user consents to share his location, leave a comment, send an support request from within the app or add a favorite.
If public with email, a sign up form would be welcome to get the consents the first time they connect the app.
If email whitelist, there are several scenarii but in any case a user email should be added in the database if the user didn’t consent first, from within the app or out of the app.

In fact, the need is what I requested several times previously : a welcome screen, public, and the ability to link to this welcome screen a sign up / sign in form with checkbox(es). I think it’s the best way to proceed ; on one hand, you would not have to stick with GDPR stuff at your level (because be sure that laws may change in 6 or 12 months), and on the other hand, each app maker does what he wants. Today, GDPR compliancy is strongly in your shoulders, because we have to margin to adapt our apps to get them as much as possible compliant.

I know that you do your best to get and provide things always clean and under (your) control, but I am afraid that here, you can’t impose things that can’t be use by makers / for businesses.

Flexibility around sign up / sign in, and visibility about cookies usage, and that’s it for you about GDPR! :yum:


Guys, thank you and well done. @JackVaughan and @Mark can you please add a separate line to enter the marketing opt in and another tick box. Another GDPR requirement or at least have the option for people to do that. See Dropbox below.

Screenshot 2020-07-03 at 00.15.35

The purpose of a Glide app is not always to send marketing or transactional emails. So not sure glide has to add another checkbox for this reason. It’s up to the maker to ensure the app users will consent to receive email : the first time a user connect the app, or within the profile screen, or elsewhere, but not in the login screen as long as glide only can design this screen.

IP addresses, combined with a timestamp are also considered Personal Data (Recital 30: Natural persons may be associated with online identifiers provided by their devices, applications, tools and protocols, such as Internet protocol addresses, cookie identifiers or other identifiers such as radio frequency identification tags. This may leave traces which, in particular when combined with unique identifiers and other information received by the servers, may be used to create profiles of the natural persons […]


To be honest, not sure that today lot of web site / app take into account all of this reqs, but the major part is working on.

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Great! Now I can solve one more issue on my app! :slight_smile:

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@Mark I agree with @Christophe_HK on this, i.e. consent needs to be acquired at initial sign-up, and not every time a user signs in. That would be overkill and unnecessary.

In Terms of the screenshot from @Benedicta, this is not something we personally will have any need for simply because we would onboard users to our newsletter which would be governed independently using a 3rd service such as MailChimp - as this is already GDPR compliant and the mechanism & platform from which we would send marketing emails, not Glide.

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If you are referring to other platforms of which I speak, Appsheet is one that immediately comes to mind, based on my past experiences with it.

Yes, ok. Never gave a try to app sheet, indeed.