šŸŒŖ Use Multiple Choice Components to Filter an Inline List

Two options.

  • One would be a separate tab to hold all your filters.
  • Another option would be to use the details view, but create a horizontal choice component with All or Favorites as the choices, have them write to a user specific column, then create two inline lists (one with no filter set, and another with a filter set to only show if the isFavorite column is true), then set visibility to show each list depend on the choice selected. Then you can add the rest of the filters as you would in Robertā€™s tutorial.
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I managed to figure out a way to do this with zero filters on the inline lists. I have one with 3 choice components acting as 3 different filters on the same list. Initially I had it setup more or less the ā€œtraditionalā€ way, but then there was an added requirement to show a dynamic, updating count of items as the lists were filtered. This made me think about different ways to do it. I managed to achieve the dynamic counts through a combination of templates, relations and rollups, but the nice thing is that doing that eliminated the need for filtering on the list components themselves. So all the logic is kept in the table :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Jeff, that second option looks great to me, I think Iā€™ll try that. Would that just be a 2-option choice component for In faves yes/no? Would connecting it to the signed in user be a matter of visibility or drawing it from a data column with a multiple match for favorites like I would with an inline list? Does that make senseā€¦? Iā€™m unclear on the ā€œwrite to a specific userā€ part. Thank you!

Yes, it would just be a 2 option choice component, which looks very similar to the All/Favorites choice when viewing a list style screen. Really, you could just set it up to be one of your filters, just like all of the rest of the filters if you followed Robertā€™s video. That would eliminate the need for separate lists with certain visibility settings, like I had suggested earlier.

Youā€™re not really connecting it to a user. Instead youā€™re just filling a user specific column which happens to hold a unique value for each user. Iā€™d have to watch the video again, but I think thatā€™s what Robert is using.


Ah, I see, I see. Thank you! Iā€™ll check out this info page, just what I need :smiley:

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Hi, What if filter feature has screened the first row out of the list it made the user-specific value fell onto different row rather than the first one? Any workarounds?

Yeahā€” you found the one gap in this solutionā€¦the first row needs to be available to the signed in userā€¦I imagine, you could do a relation to self and then do a single value based off the relation?

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I would think that as long as a tab is not filtered, it will always default to the first row and only that row will be affected by the user specific columns. Itā€™s the filtering on the inline list itself that would be affected by the filters set by the user.

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ā€¦or sortedā€¦which it shouldnā€™t be if youā€™re on a details view anyway.


Yeah, I doubt that could be the way, too.

Also @Jeff_Hager, do you think if Single Value Column could get ā€œthe very first/last value foundā€ would fix this (and maybe benefited to other uses for Single Value Column)?

the Single Value could return both value and, if none, empty.

Just my thoughts, possibly you can have an additional if then else column, if the User-Specific column is not empty then True, else False. Create a relation using that True value, then a Single Value column on top of that relation that returns the first match. Would it work?

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Great idea!

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Is the filter has varied the results the next time then, well, the results could be strange at first look, but this maybe as good as it could be. Thanks!

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One of my pages currently have 6 lists! which ar a pain to maintain

Hey @Robert_Petitto another question for you! (This has become my fave topic lately haha)

Can you set up a filter so that it looks at a range of numbers for its Single Value column? In your example with student data, you could search for a min age of 13 and a max age of 16 and it would be True if the age were somewhere within that range?

Yep. Iā€™ve done something like this beforeā€¦Iā€™ll need to find it.

So cool, thanks! I was trying to work through to make some kind of if then math mumbo jumbo but Iā€™m not sure I understand the relationship between columns quite well enough to get it. Iā€™ll look forward to seeing what youā€™ve done like this.

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Did you want to enter two numbers for min and max or did you want the user to select a single range choice, eg. 18-25?

I think Iā€™ve done it before using if then else. I made two columns, one for min and one for max (both user specific) then I created two single values for both. Finally, if then else to sort minimum and maximum for users to play around with.

I think a min/max would be ideal but either way is fine if min max is too weird.

As a side note, Iā€™m now having a lot of trouble with the regular filters. I created one and it worked great and when I add additional it doesnā€™t seem to be matching the categories I give it and in a couple of cases was including the same item that didnā€™t match anything regardless of the choice. I even deleted all my columns to start over to see if I missed anything but I canā€™t figure out whatā€™s going wrong.