I am using legacy free plan and created an APP which is running. Everyday App updates the google sheet there are about 4 google app scripts that copy data to the google sheet from glide app.Everyday they consume about 60 ussages. So i did not understand how updates works.
How frequently does your app script run? It would consume an update everytime there’s an update on the Sheets side, whether it be your manual editing or script run that causes something to change.
On Extra mode, you consume even more.
Hi Thinh
I get it now, We have buck of checklist for staff, every morning and night they click check and then google sheet updates there are many rows i guess every row change count one update.
Also there are 4 independent google scripts which un-check those checklists.
Probably i need to discontinue using google sheet and use the glide tables. use of glide tables restricts possibilities like in google sheet. also its bit complicated in glide ( its my one month experience with glide, maybe i am wrong).
If you can, move anything that doesn’t need to be in Google Sheets to Glide Tables so save yourself from those sync counts. We are here to help with anything you need on the migration.