Updating fields of PAID Itens when I use STRIPE integration

Now I’m fighting with tabs and the workflow of checkout process.
Do u remember of this screen? @Darren_Murphy helped me!

When I select “Quero Ajudar” ( I wanna help) I add an row with quota details. Now I need to chart with STRIPE.

I set a STATUS column as “checkout” and filter this STATUS, then it goes to checkout tab (I don’t how to call a tab without shows the icon below)

After hit “Concluir Pagamento” (checkout) everything goes fine to Stripe.
Here, after Stripe process, closing the last screen, the app comes back to here.
I´d like to set the STATUS of a purchased quote as PAID, go to the home screen, and hide the checkout screen.

Anyone suggests, sth different ? I’ll appreciate it.

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@ThinhDinh do you have any idea?

I don’t think I get the full picture here. Does he mean he wants to make some actions after a buy flow is completed?

Yeap. when the user purchases a quota, I add a new row with the details in a quota_details tab.
Now I need to charge with a purchase button, right? so my last action is to call a tab showing the detail of last purchased. Here I need to show the last row. That´s why I set a column status as “checkout”
In this “checkout” tab I add the purchase button. Everything works fine with Stripe. When the user hit the button, Stripe integration ask the credit card information, send the PO and finish.
Here is the issue. When the Stripe process ends, the button change to close, and backs to the previous “checkout” tab and I still need to update that field STATUS in the quota_details as PAID.
Got it?

Without knowing the full structure of your data, I believe you can use a relation from your Sheet using to store the buy button details to the Sales sheet, maybe using the rowID as the connector.

If relation is not empty, then Paid, else Unpaid.

You will need to pass a unique identifier (could be row ID or quota name) to the payments sheet using the buy button.
With the way this is structured in Glide, you will need to have a Google Sheet formula, either Vlookup with an arrayformula or a query to duplicate the whole apps sheet.

Using the unique identifier and any 1 google sheet formula, you can link the payments with the item and the user both which helps you with the visibility conditions further.

There will be a delay because you are using google sheet formulae.


either you give the user the option to confirm he has made a payment. like a checkbox or a button and that updates the field STATUS to PAID.

or you create a sheet in google sheets that uses arrayFormula to get sales info from the App: Sales sheet and then relate your checkout to that to confirm if a payment has been made for the order ID, change the Status to PAID. (It will have a delay of 5-10 seconds)

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I understand. Btw the App:sales tab created by Stripe integration is not visible. So I had to create an column in my sheet looking up the RowID of “sale” in the App:Sales.

Thx for your help.

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