Updates on Requested Features?

Your productivity is off-the-chart. Congratulations to the entire team and especially your engineers on everything you have achieved and delivered. Hiring, onboarding and executing deliverables is HARD.

Great work @david and @Mark


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Oh thank goodness. Select Mode can’t come soon enough.


Image zoom would be a high priority for me.


What this means is that Apps that currently use a Google Sheet would be able to convert the Sheet to a Glide Table (along with all existing computed columns). You already have this for Excel. In fact, if you duplicate an App using Excel, all the references are changed to Glide Tables whether you like it or not. There is no option to retain the pointer into Excel. It seems that you could simply turn off the sync to Google and change the pointer to your internal Glide Table to do this.

I am not questioning the number of Glide engineers that are on staff, nor am I questioning their work ethic, productivity, or assigned tasks. I am simply pointing out that there have been a handful of announcement posts recently in which users have been challenged to integrate AI into their apps; yet, since the official launch of Glide Pages / (new) Apps nearly 2 years ago, there have been requests on requests on requests by the user base for the features that I mentioned and it’s been either conjecture by forum members or total radio silence by Glide staff until you responded a few days ago.

So that all forum users are clear: how many more duplicate posts and feature requests are needed for these to be added to the roadmap? The workaround for our users to zoom in/see an image enlarged is absurd - not to mention impossible - if they have no internet connectivity. And, forcing users to scroll to the bottom of a (sometimes) very long screen just so they can return to the previous one (when there is a custom action tied to a non-floating button) is cumbersome and ugly. These are strange features to omit especially when they’ve been requested so many times; having them only help us make our apps that much more visually appealing and user (and no/low-code) friendly.

You are correct - that is not what I meant. Similar to how a native Android or iOS app behaves, I’m simply looking for mine to download/cache ALL information on the end user’s device during the initial installation so that it will open and function normally when internet connectivity is low or non-existent the next time it is opened. Updates would be obtained the next time the app is re-opened in an area with adequate internet signal.

If we are attempting (literally and figurately) to sell our apps to users by calling them “apps,” they should behave like an “app.” And yes, some folks create apps that DO require constant connectivity but there are some of us that don’t, and to have to jump through hoops to get ours to function appropriately offline shouldn’t be this difficult. Glide clearly has the ability to keep what is downloaded on the individual device in a cached and useable state, as evidenced by the functionality of the current “(partially) Offline Mode” feature. So, why can’t the session be stored indefinitely and the data can be updated every time the app is re-opened subsequently, and successfully (i.e., connected to the internet)?

If Glide truly has no plans at all to introduce this type of offline mode, please let us know so that we can stop hoping the feature will appear someday and we can take our apps, and our time, to another platform where it is already available.

If I recall, and I may be way off the mark, we were advised that migrating our apps from Classic to (new) Apps was strongly recommend because they would be fully optimized for mobile and desktop devices, maintain all the same core capabilities from the Classic Apps that we loved, and would include powerful functionality like Big Tables, Actions, and Integrations that the Classic Apps would not; additionally, we were told that if we wanted to get the most out of Glide, we should consider using Tables instead of external data sources because they could hold much more data than a Google Sheet, we could share tables between apps, and they wouldn’t cause sheet edits/sheet reloads.

Are you now saying that Glide Tables are no longer Glide’s focus? My assumption is that, because you made this statement as part of your response to my request for a true offline mode, those of us who built our app databases entirely within the Glide database structure (i.e., Tables), or migrated away from Google Sheets entirely in order to benefit from everything that is mentioned above, should no longer expect a true offline mode because Glide’s focus is on… external databases? Those of us who are all-in on Glide won’t benefit from a true offline mode because of users who aren’t? The logic here is baffling.

Exactly what @David_Gabler said:

This: CSS Trick: Inset Switch Components for Grouping

This one isn’t for me but it’s in the top-5 requested features so I wanted to make sure that my fellow Hebrews are represented :muscle:


No, I’m not saying this. I’m saying that supporting SQL makes offline apps even harder, and so far we’ve had more demand for connecting to production data than for data that can live entirely offline.

We prioritize feature requests by how many votes they get here, not by how many duplicate posts are made for the same feature.

We have no plans for apps to work completely offline. I mean this literally—we don’t have plans, and we only plan roughly six months ahead. I really hope we do it, but if you’re asking whether we have plans and you feel you’re wasting your time, that’s what I can tell you.

(To be clear, when I say “we don’t have plans” it just means we haven’t written down a plan to do something and assigned a team and a deadline to it. I don’t mean that we’ll never do it, or that we don’t want to.)

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You stated that AI is our “singular focus” so I explained our multiple focuses.

Implying that we haven’t responded to other feature requests in two years is exaggeration. About half of our work is driven by requests here and we’re shipping faster than ever: Product Updates | Glide

One potential source of confusion when we pick which features to prioritize is, whether who we’re building Glide for is different from who you are/who you are selling to.

Look at our landing page and ask yourself whether it speaks to the customer you’re building an app for.

We’re building Glide to be used by existing businesses to build mostly internal software for their employees. If you’re building a consumer app, for example, you might find that we’re shipping features that don’t match your priorities.


Does anyone know about the intention to have Dropdown submenus on the sidebar menu? Knowing that glide is mostly made to business build internal software it would help a lot the organization when we are building big systems and for various departments of the company. I am currently “organizing” my sidebar menu using arrows and “fake spaces” as in this print below.

It would be great if was like this one below:


As a manufacturing business that uses Glide to build internal tools (sounds like your target market).

Please add the following:

Required Checkbox - option to make the checkbox component a required field on forms.
(this is important for critical control points and tasks where a worker shouldn’t be able to proceed without confirming a task/step has been completed).

Additional Table Columns/Column Types
• Currently the table collection is limited to three columns. Adding more columns and column types (badges, images on any column etc) was teased on the Glide website back in January but it’s still limited to three columns.
• Also option for alternating rows regardless of chosen table style.
• In app sorting similar to the in app filter was also teased in January but still not available.


These two (hopefully) simple additions will make a huge difference to the usability and efficiency of our internal Glide apps. Glide has become integral to our business, enabling us to be unbelievably efficient with less staff that would typically be required. Excited to see more features in the future.


Replying to add my support for click to enlarge image! Glide had this feature at the end of 2022 when I created an event app. I really love a lot about the new look of Glide since I last used it about a year ago, but why the heck did you take away a such a useful action?1

It’s been said above that click to enlarge isn’t on the current roadmap, but what is confusing to me is that Glide engineers clearly have the ability to have a click to enlarge action because I had that action in my 2022 event app, how hard can it be to give us back that feature?! In fact, if I log into my old app, the click to enlarge action still works!

I primarily use Glide to create an event app, so I’m trying to put in venue floorplans. I’m only 40, and even I’m having trouble seeing the floorplan image that I uploaded! It’s going to be next to impossible for people with older eyes to be able to view the floorplan in any kind of useful way. If click to enlarge is working on my 2022 app, please explain to me why this action can’t be added back to the current version of Glide?

You can still enlarge a single image, what is missing is the ability to enlarge the visible image in an array or gallery of images. I am hopeful that this is in the works as there are so many times that I am viewing an image - especially a photo of a document or a receipt - and need to zoom in to see it more clearly.

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How do you enlarge a single image? That’s how I currently have the image set in my app. Back at the end of 2022, it as an action that you set up that was linked to the image component. There’s no longer an action that will allow you to enlarge an image, or at least not that I have been able to find. You also can’t use your fingers to pinch and zoom into the image. If there’s another way, I’m all ears because I really want to give my event attendees the option to enlarge the venue map that I’m putting into the app!

I use the action “open URL” to enlarge images. It works great on mobile.

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This is also what I am looking for, Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face:

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