⚠️ Unsupported HTML/CSS in the Rich Text component will completely break in the coming weeks

I think I have to come to Glides defence here. I think I can speak for all Experts in saying that we have a great relationship with the Glide team. We get to interact directly with many of the Glide team on a regular basis, we often get sneak previews of new features, and are given the opportunity to test/review/provide feedback. I have no doubt that Glide very much value and appreciate the ever growing band of experts, and their contributions.

That said, I don’t think too many of us saw this one coming - although we probably should have.


The problem is that I use Glide to sell my services as a no-code app builder, removing a customization system such as CSS will make every app look a lot alike. Is that a problem for me, because I find that currently Glide is far too limited in terms of customization. CSS allows me to create just about anything I just want, so unless I add a real customization system for me it’s a very big less value to Glide, but as we say we don’t add a less value without adding an added value that makes sense, what will be our added values ​​of working with Glide?

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It is how one responds to adversary which separates great companies from mediocre ones.

I have witnessed the awesomeness that is the Glide community and the creativeness and energy they bring to problem-solving within the Glide framework. In fact I just got off a Glide ‘new user’ experience call and commented that I was reluctant to use the community (not my nature, I prefer documentation) so I was a little late to the game. And that it was the community that kept myself (and probably others) from jumping ship when the going got tough/frustration hit the roof. I even told the rep that I wished Glide would organize the community responses since their are many great nuggets found within individual threads.


Asked that same question a few weeks ago - here is the answer.

Agreed. It was a bit blindsiding, but to @Darren_Murphy’s point, we experts have a good relationship with Glide and I bet that they’ll do their best to provide an alternative solution/transition.


David - my first intro to Glide’s mission was the “billion new creators” mantra:

I even asked a new employee what Glide’s mission was and the response was “billion new creators”.

This interview was more enlightening. In the intro you stated your goal was to enable people who don’t know how to create software “to create amazing software and that it is easy and fun” and around minute 6 you stated that creating ‘private apps’ for business from 50 to 500 was the goal. I then understood that 1 B new creators is an ideal - but the mission/goal is to simplifying the experience for corporate ‘non-developers’.

Goals and missions can be tricky things and I understand the confusion cause I was confused too about the ultimate target audience versus “1 billion creators”

Any ideas on how to craft pretty new tables in ‘Markup’ would be appreciated!

@ThinhDinh - also, I hope Glide addresses the ‘sticky’ component feature because the people I demonstrated it too LOVED it. My app has hierarchy so a manager can look at the business from different levels. I used the ‘sticky’ component to keep the ‘Active View’ on each screen even as manager scrolled within the TAB so they always knew what part of the business they were looking at.

It was great UI function that allowed drill-downs/drill-ups to retain context.

Wait a minute) You say that you’re changing the DOM structure, that’s why styles that were used to affect Glide native components will no longer work. I see.

But what if I have my own markup inside the Rich Text wrapper. Let’s say I have
<div style="width: 100%; background-color: blue;">
Will it work?

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This is how I am using ‘sticky / highlighted’ rich text component. A manager has many distinct channels they are responsible for. They select a channel and I put the ‘Active Channel’ as a highlighted sticky Text at the top of the screen so they always know what they are viewing. I use this same technique in many different places to provide visual context of the TAB/screen info.

@ThinhDinh or other experts - is their an alternative means of keeping a ‘warning’ sticky to a specific screen. It is very handy for providing context in a team environment.

@Robert_Petitto - any alternatives (like a floating button but with more info) have people considered.


Ya…what would be nice is an option for a floating action button to be full width at the bottom of the screen that displays the title for that button.

Like this:

CleanShot 2022-07-06 at 14.53.22


Gotta remove this one too…any hope for similar functionality that looks good?


Yes please, that would work - top or bottom! Use your Glide mojo to make that happen :grinning:.

BTW…thanks for all the energy and creativity you have put in with videos and techniques for building Glideapps. YouTube is now ‘recommending’ Glide content because of all the ‘Pettito content’ I have watched! :joy:


Yes, an action button with text and a floating button bar (top or bottom) – with more than two sections if possible, etc.

I also like the idea of a floating inline list to get images on the buttons as well…

As you can see in this image, replacing my inline list (which I made sticky with CSS) with floating buttons just does not have the same appeal – and it covers all the images!!

Personally if I decided to switch to Glide and stop the React Native, it’s because I could do it myself with Glide which I think is so amazing! On the other hand I would never have switched to glide currently without the CSS style modification with rich text, is that the Glide managers must take it into account in order to offer us alternatives, because I am persuaded that I am not the only customer who will be impacted by this choice.

Here’s a list of things I would recommend doing before permanently scrapping CSS with RichText. So that people like me can continue to use Glide.

  • Be able to modify the appearance and colors of the buttons (border for exmple)
  • Create sections like glide page? Or you can choose the background (white, gray, accent etc. as in glide page) that would be really great
  • Ability to customize the menu (e.g. colors)
  • Notification system because it is essential for the user experience

Here is an example of what I brought to my app with Rich Text it’s not huge but it makes a big branding difference (that’s still my opinion).

exemple 1

I’m sure if we have some additional tools, the community will be very little impacted by this change and large companies that would like to have some branding will be able to opt for glide.


Without CSS it should be added features as changing background and text colors of Lists, Cards, Tiles etc based on values. There are massive lack of posibilities for color change based on values.

Glide is mainly based on sheets, and when you store data in example Excel, Google Spreadsheet or Airtables etc. You add colors to rows and cells based on values, to see and locate differences.

THAT is something I really hope will come with this update when CSS getting “killed”.

I always discouraged CSS, because I didn’t know how to use it lol.

I am a freelancer, and I consider myself pretty skillful with Glideapps but not knowing CSS was a disadvantage for me.

However, there are a few important features that glide can definitely add, before implementing the ban on CSS

  1. multiple colors for buttons
  2. viewing more than 4 tiles on inline lists
  3. colorful texts

These are the important things I can think of

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this is BS!!! I have many customers who paid for my CSS! you can’t just take out features that we work countless days for it… what a hell?
another reason to totally switch to Google Apps… glide will just be a platform for cooking recipes!


@david can you tell us what exactly will no longer work and when? so I can talk to my customers, and stop projects.

Simply all my apps will be broken. I don’t know if it would be so advantageous to use the Glide anymore, because exactly what I liked to use the most, will no longer exist… Maybe it’s goodbye. :pensive:


We’re very sorry that we’ll be causing this breakage, and we’d avoid it if we could - if there was a way to easily support existing CSS with our new architecture, we’d do that, but unfortunately there isn’t.

This kind of rearchitecture change is exactly the reason why we always made it clear that custom CSS can break. We’re only doing this because it allows us to make Glide better and faster.

Also, to clear up a potential misunderstanding: we’re not disabling custom CSS. It’ll still be possible, but the CSS that works now with current Apps won’t work with Apps in a few weeks anymore because the DOM structure will change.