I am unable to add choice component in my form container, There is a field (Meter Location ID) in table where I can add choice component, but I am not sure reason behind this
Note: MeterTable is not read only!
I don’t use large scale data sources, so I don’t have an answer, but what’s happening when you try to add a choice component that doesn’t work?
It just don’t add choice component in (Form container) Layout area
Does it let you add it outside of the form container and then allow you to drag it into the container?
Does it add inside a normal form environment (the show form screen action)?
Yes, it does work when we use a separate navigation tab. Below is a screenshot of a separate navigation tab that uses the METER TABLE as the source table for the navigation tab and the METER TABLE as the target table for the form container.
I guess I’m a bit confused here. So if you navigate to a details screen, and add a form container that targets the same table, then the choice component won’t show up, but on a separate tab with the same setup it works?
No, In separate tab setup is not same in separate tab (previous screenshot) Navigation tab’s source table was different, In the tab where I am able to add choice here Navigation tab’s source table (METER table) and form target table (METER Table) are same
Same Source Table for navigation tab and Form’s Target table
Now different source table for navigation tab and different table for form’s target table
UseCase2 Tab:
First, I have a collection that is retrieved from the PropertyTableUsingQuery
When I click on any element in this collection, I navigate to the details page
On this page, there’s an “Add Meter” button. When I click on it, a form becomes visible (this form is for the MeterTable). However, in this form, I am unable to add the choice component
PropertyUnitAndMeter Tab:
In the MeterTable on this tab, I am able to add the choice component
If you copy the component from the PropertyUnitAndMeter Tab to the form in UseCase2 Tab, does it show?
Yes, it copied the component from the PropertyUnitandMeter tab to UseCase2, but in both cases, it is not entering the Meter Type ID in the database. Whether from the UseCase2 tab or the PropertyUnitandMeter tab, it is showing that MeterTypeID does not have a default value. Even after setting default value it is only entering default value and not the actual chosen value
I suggest talking to the team about this.