Hi. New Glide user. Had a good play around and look on here but not seeing an obvious way to do what I want best.
The objective is to create an app that acts as a hint system for a game. That’s easy enough but I want to track which hints each person uses as a contributing score to the overall game.
So there might be different hints with different point values. What I need to have is a searchable list of hint descriptions and then you do something (Could be select checkbox for item or select the item) which confirms you want the hint and are happy to pay the price. The hint is then revealed. And then I can aggregate the points for each email ID by grouping by that to get a total.
I’ve got a Public with Emails version which means people are Identified but the only way I can see of recording their choice is to submit a form when they select the hint, which is really clunky. You click once to see the form and then have to click again and all that does is capture your email and which hint you want. Something else would then have to read that data in the sheet and email you a hint. Maybe I can do something with Zapier but not had any experience of that. Also, the Public with Emails is free, which is a big bonus.
I don’t know what difference having an allowed list of emails does - I can’t see from the documentation/tutorials what (if any) other options this gives you to perform based on knowing who is logged in. Note, I don’t need to filter results in the app by user - everyone has access to everything. It’s about tracking what they request.
Also, the system should really remove any hint that has already been selected so they don’t accidentally request twice. But I think I might have an idea on how to do that - if it doesn’t compromise the main above requirement and require multiple actions (which I think you can’t do?)
Anyone got any suggestions? Feel free to ask for clarity if the requirements aren’t clear enough.