My app is regarding loan management for staff, where many staffs take loan from few bosses. Here is a screenshot.
My goal is to summarize total loan for specific applicant, total loan given by specific lender.
Let kingvirus be applicant.
Loan Summary for Kingvirus.
Total Due:4000
Lender:Sk. Mamun Amount:1000
Lender:Jakir Amount:3000
Let Jakir be lender
Lending summary for Jakir
Total Amount:4500
Borrower:King Visus Amount:3000
Borrower:khanmda Amount:1000
Borrower:anupam Amount:500
I need your help. Thanks in advance.
You can make two relations for this.
One for the applicant column, matching all applicant emails in the same column (multiple). Make a rollup over that column to sum the amount for displaying.
Do the same for the lender column.
Applying relation for applicant column I can see all amount both Due and repaid. How to get only due amount.
Make a template joining the applicant email and the trans status, then make the relation & rollup on that column.
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You gave me easiest solution in no time. Thanks a lot.
February 3, 2021, 11:18pm
Similar problem for me. Want to count how many times a value shows up in a column. And want to do it in Glide not GS if possible.
February 3, 2021, 11:35pm
Got it to work. Thank you
I think I have similar problem as yours. I want to filter and sum amount of money in filtered data. How to do so?