Title not working

Hi guys,

Is the screen title working for you? In my case, it doesn’t appear as a Page title when it’s set.

Can you include some screenshots or a video of what’s not working? Do you mean you have set a column/a custom value as a page title and it’s not working?

@ThinhDinh I’m assuming that when the field shown below is set, the Page title should be the value from that field.

Right now, for all the screens, my app only has the Name as Page title even if that field is set to a value … it doesn’t matter if the value is static or dynamic ( from a table ).

If you have any suggestions, let me know.



Works for me, but it’s only shown in mobile layout.

@Darren_Murphy I’m referring more at the desktop version , where the title should be also displayed as the title of the browser tab like for example on this community post :


I think it has always worked that way. I agree it would be nice to have that in the browser bar for desktops.

@ThinhDinh especially now that desktop apps and mobile apps are build using the same option.