The table cannot be changed because this action is used by a component. Disconnect or duplicate this action to use it with another table

Can anyone advice why I am getting this error with a simple action that I use more than 10 times in my app? I redo the action it works and then the next day it breaks again?

and when i duplicate the action… it gives me a different action with a simple “show notification action” instead of the “show form screen”

This is not an error message, but a reminder that says the following: an action is associated to a table and can only be used a screen when the data sources of the action and screen are the same.


  • The data source of an action is TableA.
  • The data source of ScreenA is TableA.
  • You associate your action to a component on ScreenA.
  • Your action is not used (active) on ScreenA and you can therefore not change the data source of the action anymore.

If you want to use the same action on ScreenB (whose data source is TableB), then you would duplicate the action and set TableB as the data source. The action would do the same, but really it’s a different action because the data source would be different.

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Apologies, this reminder does appear in all actions
my question was why the “show form screen” simple action was breaking my app which is only 50 rows of data still. And when I duplicate the same action… it changes into a show notification action…

when i mean the app breaks… in the builder… the entire right configuration section becomes black with no possible choices.

Today i have fixed it by creating a completely new action and naming it something other than Add… seems to be fine until now

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