I made several tables that each have a form button that “adds row” to the respective table. Not sure what I did wrong, but after setting them up, I am checking things and they are all showing the same action- writing to the same table. When I attempt to go into a separate tab components section and change the action back to the one that is meant for that tab, it ends up changing the button across all of the tables. hmmm? what did I do wrong, how to fix?
Note: I duplicated sheets in my Google Sheet to make the separate tables, is that the issue? I am thinking it is
It’s most likely you copied those from an original action and it ties to that action. You should build form actions from scratch if you want them to be different.
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Ok I will give it a try. Did you see my update: I duplicated sheets inside my Google Sheet to make the tables, could that also be the source of the problem because I recall that I actually did make the buttons and actions from scratch each time(or so I think I did)
I don’t think duplicating sheets would be the problem. I would still suggest building actions from scratch to see if it helps.
Ok, I try that first before deleting the google tables
I have a tab “Avatar Store” and in the components section I have a container with images that when they are clicked, each image triggers a jump to a tab for that respective item category. In that new tab, when I add a button, the button shows up in all the other tabs component layouts…I can’t make a button from scratch without it showing up on all the other tabs
Can you show me how you’re structuring this action?
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I think I found the issue. I am using the same collection “Avatar Store” in each of the tabs component section. I was filtering based on category so that each tab only showed that category of items but since it is the same collection, it is making any changes across tabs. Looks like I am going to have to make separate stores for each category? In these two tabs you can see the Collection is “Avatar Store”
That was it, so I am creating separate stores for each. Thank you Thinh
I would use conditional visibility on containers based on the category, not creating separate stores.
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Ahhh, ok. I made the separate stores this morning but I will try your approach as that sounds more efficient and would only require one relation as opposed to relations for each store
Yeah, you get to use the details view for each item, just need to show/hide things based on what category it is, if I understand you right.