The problem I have faced for last two weeks is that I can not connect the my list screen based on created list table to the specific screen. I put a button to assign the action “Show new screen” and selected data that I want. The problem is that, once I selected the certain data for one button action, all actions of another buttons are changed to the same data that I selected most recently. So I am not allowed to assign each data to the individual button. It is impossible to set the action for each button.
Please help me out of this trouble.
I’m not sure how you have set up your tables but if the data that you need to connect are in different columns, try using different buttons with visibility conditions. If you’ll need more than 3 buttons, then reorganizing your data might be the better move.
Just to clarify a little, the detail screens are the same for all the items in a collection, which allows you to set it up once and see those changes on the other detail screens in that collection. This is why your button is changing for all the items whenever you edit it.
As @Himaladin suggested, if you send a screenshot, it would help us understand the situation better.
Hi, please refer to the attached files.
In Categories table, “C.A Relation” is Relation column.
In New Screen table, “MusicMagicRelation” is Relation column, and MusicMagicData is Lookup column.
In Music Magic Cards table, “NewScreenRelation” is Relation column, and NewScreenData is Lookup column.
The following is the overall flow of this app.
-If selection item “Note Types” in the Categories list > New Screen 2-1(Add button and designate action & its own data) > Flashcards screen for 2-1
-If selection item “Note Names” in the Categories list > New Screen 2-2(Add button and designate action & its own data) > Flashcards screen for 2-2
Once I set up the action and the specific data, “Note Names” for that button, the action data of all other buttons at the new screens were changed to this recent data set-up, “Note Names”, at the action section in the right panel (See 2-1-1 new screen). As you see 2-1 new screen, the action has been earlier set up to the data, “Note Types”.
But just after setting up the action data for the second item(see New Screen 2-2), I noticed that even the first action data I set up earlier to “Note Types” was changed to the “Note Names”(see New Screen 2-1-1).
Flashcards screen for 2-1 is the matching data for the button action data for “Note Types”.
And flashcards screen for 2-2 is the matching data for the button action data for “Note Names”.
Therefore the clicked button at 2-1 new screen leads to the wrong flashcards( Flashcards screen for 2-2)
I wish I could deliver the problem I have faced to you in English. I am Korean and English is my second language.
Please excuse my language deficiency if you have a hard time to read this.
I really appreciate your sincere intention to help me.
Thanks again!
Hi, please refer to the attached files.
In Categories table, “C.A Relation” is Relation column.
In New Screen table, “MusicMagicRelation” is Relation column, and MusicMagicData is Lookup column.
In Music Magic Cards table, “NewScreenRelation” is Relation column, and NewScreenData is Lookup column.
The following is the overall flow of this app.
-If selection item “Note Types” in the Categories list > New Screen 2-1(Add button and designate action & its own data) > Flashcards screen for 2-1
-If selection item “Note Names” in the Categories list > New Screen 2-2(Add button and designate action & its own data) > Flashcards screen for 2-2
Once I set up the action and the specific data, “Note Names” for that button, the action data of all other buttons at the new screens were changed to this recent data set-up, “Note Names”, at the action section in the right panel (See 2-1-1 new screen). As you see 2-1 new screen, the action has been earlier set up to the data, “Note Types”.
But just after setting up the action data for the second item(see New Screen 2-2), I noticed that even the first action data I set up earlier to “Note Types” was changed to the “Note Names”(see New Screen 2-1-1).
Flashcards screen for 2-1 is the matching data for the button action data for “Note Types”.
And flashcards screen for 2-2 is the matching data for the button action data for “Note Names”.
Therefore the clicked button at 2-1 new screen leads to the wrong flashcards( Flashcards screen for 2-2)
I wish I could deliver the problem I have faced to you in English. I am Korean and English is my second language.
Please excuse my language deficiency if you have a hard time to read this.
I really appreciate your sincere intention to help me.
Thanks again!
So this is the top level of your Categories screen, and when you click on an item, it will take you to this screen, where you expect to have different buttons for each category?
I think it can be this. 2 buttons…
Alternatively, he can make 2 collections and point one to the note types table and the other to the note names table.
But I also suspect the arrangement of data in the tables might be a little confusing for the relations. In the magic music table I notice note names and note types are listed in the same column… The parent-children relationships might suffer. Maybe some of this data can be split into separate tables before creating the screens.
Thanks for your help! “I think your expectation here indicates you want different buttons for “Note Types” and “Note Names”?” Yes, I need its own separate button for each music category such as“Note Types” and “Note Names”. That’s the problem that I am struggling to solve. As I explained, I can not assign its right matching data for the specific button. Awaiting…