Hello - my initial home page has Categories, within the Category I added a Data Grid so that people using the app can add their name / contact information for people to find each other from within that Category. I created various Data Tables to match the various Categories I made, but when I go under a different Category and try to set the unique Data Table for that Data Grid, it changes it for every single Category. How can I change the Data Grid and Table for one Category without it mirroring every other category along with it?
Instead of having various different contacts tables, just create one Contacts table with a column that includes the category for the contact. Then create a Relation linking the Category table to the Contacts table. Finally change the source of your Data Grid to use the relation.
I might have been simplifying what I’m saying too much: I actually have four columns I’m trying to organize. Name / Role / Email / Phone Number for people to manually type in to any available line / spaces. I don’t think the solution you proposed works for that complexity of what I’m trying to do. So for example, let’s take two categories: Category 1 and Category 2. In both Categories when opened, I want to be able to access the same Name / Role / Email / Phone Number table, but have them connect with different Data Grids (Category 1 is to help dancers find other individual dance partners, Category 2 is for dancers to find groups of dance practice partners, Category 3 is for finding instructors, etc).
Just do what Jeff proposed. You will have so many problems relating to these tables.
Once you have a category column, you can depend relations and visibility on it.
I’m not sure I understand why my solution above wouldn’t work. It sounds like each of the tables contain the same number and types of columns. It also sounds like each table is virtually identical to the others and essentially serves the same purpose, with the only difference being the category that the data belongs to. If set up correctly, you would only need one category table, one contact table, and one data grid on the category detail screen. Then for each category you view, the data grid would only show the rows that being to that respective category.
Regardless, if you still choose to maintain separate contact tables, then I would just create multiple data grids. One for each contact table. Then use visibility conditions to only show the data grid that belongs to the chosen category.
I think I’m still not following and perhaps adding screenshots will help make sure I’m not misinforming what my issue is. I added descriptions in the screenshot names as follows:
Screenshot 1 - Home Page
Screenshot 2 - Category 1
Screenshot 3 - Category 2
Screenshot 4 - My Various Data Tables
Screenshot 5 - Changing Source for Category 2
Screenshot 6 - Changing Category 2 source data changed it for category 1 as well
Currently the way it’s set up, if you type in any data into any of the tables, it mirrors into each of the other categories. I need them to function independently of each other.
First I just want to clarify that when you navigate to a detail screen from a collection, the detail screen design is inherently linked to the table, so any time you visit that same row from anywhere in your app, you should get the same screen layout that you designed. The only thing that changes is the data that feeds that detail screen. Imagine if you had 1000 items in your collection and that list grew every day. Would you want to design the detail screen only once, or design 1000+ individual screens? That may sound extreme, but hopefully that helps explain what’s happening because it’s very normal to have collections with hundreds or thousands of rows that change continuously throughout the day. That’s why I made my initial suggestion.
You are trying to design each screen independently which is possible either through several component visibility conditions based on the chosen category (add at least 10 individual grids, since I see at least 10 categories, and conditionally show the correct grid relative to the chosen category). Or create a custom action, with at least 10 separate branches…one for each category that branches out to separate New Screens based on the chosen category.
Or you can use my original suggestion of having one contact table, add a category column to that contact table, create a relation from the category table to the contact table, and just create one single grid that is sourced from that relation. Basically set it up once and you are good forever. Even if you add additional categories in the future, it will dynamically work without having to go back into the builder to reconfigure new screens or different components. If you make your screens data driven then things will become much easier.