The restriction is not being lifted.

Thank you for always supporting us.

We are currently using the Starter Plan. One of our apps exceeded 5000 rows on January 5th, but we promptly reduced it below 5000 rows. However, we received a warning saying “this app has reached its usage limit,” and the restriction has not been lifted.

Normally, the limit should have been lifted after reducing the rows. Is there any additional action we need to take?

Your confirmation would be greatly appreciated.

Can you check if all tables connected to the app exceed 5000 rows? There might be some tables that you unknowingly connected with a column/action.

Thank you for your response.

The Row Usage displayed in Usage is currently below 5000 rows.
In theory, for the Starter plan, there should be no limitation as long as the Row Usage remains below 5000 rows, correct?

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.