The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another

I am not able to sign in to the app even though my email address is present in the User Profile. What is missing from my configuration?

The below means that only Editors can sign in. These are people that have access to your App via the Glide Builder.

CleanShot 2023-08-25 at 00.47.58@2x

Those privacy settings look very very old. I assume this is a Classic App? Is it a paid or free App? If paid, which plan?

It’s a free app

You are correct. I tested it with the email address in the member group and it allowed me access to the app. So Glide is not looking in the user profile but instead in the members group. Do I have to upgrade my subscription for it to check the user profile instead?

I would recommend rebuilding your App as a “new” Glide App. This will give you more options in terms of privacy settings, and will “future proof” your App.

Go to the dashboard, click the 3 dots on the App icon, and look for the “Create App from data” option.
This will use the data in your App to create a new App. You will need to rebuild the interface, but at the moment that’s the only way to do it.

I will follow your advice. Thanks!

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