Template Column Not Displaying Email Field

I have a scenario where I have built a template column for the add rows mutation to use in a Call API action to add rows to a GBT.

I have 2 columns in the GBT (both have row owners applied in the GBT.)

  • The first will store an email address (retrieved via a lookup in the user table for the user’s current Event where their email is stored as row owner for the FiledStaff column in the Events table).
  • (The users table also has row owners applied to the user email address.)
  • The second column will store an identifier related to a region (also retrieved via a lookup in the user table for the user’s current Event where the event’s regional identifier is stored as a row owner in the Events table).

The template column I have for the mutations to add rows is definitely set up correctly and the add rows is working as expected - except that the email field is not being reflected. The template column just shows the column name.

See results of the template column below.
The last two items refer to the columns I mention above.
Why would the email address not be returned correctly whilst the regional identifier is?

      "kind": "add-row-to-table",
      "tableName": "native-table-bf30626d-652e-4342-bcf7-",
      "columnValues": {
        "s6poc": "10",
        "NvNXi": "7",
        "WQjLU": "true",
        "VUfzu": "SBBMelhcQlGzY.dPEw0Kbg",
        "gM4U4": "6 August 2024",
        "DmjmN": "eevxI668SAGDo-XQbaihPQ",
        "3f9jj": "8727-Checkers Hyper FX Mall Of Africa",
        "QUPgg": "Johannesburg (Internal)",
        "rxrn0": "1004-Great North",
        "Dgylk": "hRr-MgCASQezVgUzaqMviA",
        "NLR7f": "Washing Powder Sheets",
        "5YITd": "Head Office",
        "6TylP": "Client",
        "nMzsZ": "Field",
        "AYnmd": "FieldStaff Email",
        "SZTtV": "c9Hk-sP.QFu73LJUdRZMLw"

So you mean you’re referring to the “FieldStaff Email” column for Aynmd, but the result shows “FieldStaff Email” instead of the actual email?

Yes that is correct. Pretty sure it has something to do with Row Owners but I am not sure.

Sounds like you should report it to the team.

If you heard something from them, please let us know how this goes. Thank you!

To be clear, you aren’t trying to retrieve the email address from a row that is not owned by the current user, are you?

Hi, the row is owned by the current user.


That’s odd.

If you add a template column to your Store Items table, and fill it with the value of that Single Value column from the User Profile row, what do you see?

Hi Darren
I see the Field Staff Email address as expected.
CleanShot 2024-08-08 at 08.55.56

Just some feedback - I presented the problem to the support team and got a suggestion from George to:

  1. Simplify the “replacement” name of the field.
  2. Move it higher up the list.

Here is updated template column and now works as expected. (Am sure the engineering team will be investigating why the anomaly occurred.)

So “RowOwners / FieldStaffEmail” didn’t work but “AllocatedFSEmail” works?

Yes - and moving it up the list in the template column. I did both and so unsure if one or the other made the difference.

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That’s weird and interesting. Thanks for sharing.