Task managment app with tasks pre-loaded

I want to build a simple tracking app, to help doctors complete a standardised checklist for their compliance documentation. There are loads of good templates for task mgmt apps, but I can’t see how I could pre-load them with projects and tasks, so that a first-time user would see their action list without having to enter them all in themselves. Is this possible? Thanks!

Yes, depending on the template you’re using, you could add a tab with “preloaded tasks” and relate them to different categories.

Would you mind showing what template you’re using so we can help you more.


Hey Santiago. I’ve been experimenting with this template - https://go.glideapps.com/app/task-tracker-template

In that case, I’d add those preloaded tasks on the task tab. I’m thinking that the user might or might no use them so you could add a switch that says add to category/project or something like that and when True, show in the list of categories.

It depends on how you want it to work.


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