I would like to open my text thanking the creators and the community that helps a lot with tutorials and quick answers to other questions, from which I also learn a lot. I’m very excited about the possibilities that Glide has offered me, and much of the work I’ve been developing in the classroom, I’m applying it right now to try to expand to other friends in the profession.
I’m still starting, and I have some basic questions that are bothering me a lot:
How can I take a single piece of information from one tab to another tab of a Google sheet table?
Ex: On the Partners tab, I recreated the shuffle taught by @robert_petitto (who I’m already a big fan of) in this video: Gamify Glide Apps Reboot #4: RANDOMLY Sort Users into Guilds! - YouTube
However, my submit button doesn’t give me the option to choose to transfer the information to the user tab.
Whenever I press it, it only allows me to choose a location on the partners tab to put the answer, but I need it in user, and I couldn’t merge the two at all.
Pardon my broken English, I use Google translator.