Tab launching form

Having the ability to have a tab item launch a form for apps that serve the purpose of a main action. Like instagram, it would open a form to post a picture straight away.

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If I am not misunderstanding your request, I believe this is already configurable. I have a tab located center of bottom menu with a “+” icon and clicking that launches the form to post. You just create the tab, set the icon, and then use details view and add the form to write to the sheet that collects the posts. Hope this helps!

Does this create a new one or just edit the same row?

It creates a new row for every post and we use the special values email and date to capture who posted and when. But I apologize, you do have to use the form not single components. I understand that you’re saying the click on the tab would open the form, not open up a view with a form.

You mean a view with a button that launches the form, right? Would it be possible to screenshot a sequence so I can see the experience you have?

No, I was saying in my last email that you are right - there is no tab action to open form. Here I show the two ways you can set up the form currently.

Thanks :slight_smile: Your app looks good by the way

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