Can we not use tab for accessibility? I went to build a profile and started using tab, but it wouldn’t work… does Glide have keyboard only navigation?
I believe Glide is continually working to improve accessibility features. Recently they’ve improved some screen reader functionality for chips style choices.
I’m not sure what you mean by Tab in this context:
- As far as tabs in the app, I know for sure that there is the ability to switch between tabs by using Ctrl/Cmd plus the number keys on the keyboard. For example Ctrl+1 will take you to the first tab. Ctrl+2 will take you to the second tab.
- If you are referring to the Tab key to navigate on a screen, it should already be possible to navigate between entry components by pressing the tab key.
If you are referring to something else, we may need more details.
Thanks @Jeff_Hager
Disregard tab for now, but I’d like to use other keys. For example, I can’t seem to use the down arrow to select an option from a drop-down menu.
Yeah, I can’t seem to find a way to select a choice item either. It’s good to bring awareness to these issues. Might be worth coming up with a list of accessibility issues that need to be worked on.
I wonder if there is already a list going somewhere… I can’t imagine accessibility isn’t a priority for them.