Hello, is it possible to sync only one single sheet from a Google Sheets with multiple sheets?

I know how to add Google Sheets table in Data, but
- what it will happen if I add a Google Sheets with multiple sheets? Will it add a table for each sheet?
- And then, am I able to delete tables I don’t need without cutting off the Google Sheets sync?
Yes, linking a Google worksheet will add a table for each sheet tab.
I don’t believe you can delete sheet tabs from Glide. You will still see them in your list of tables, but if you don’t use them, they should not count against your row usage.
Hello @Jeff_Hager thank you. Finally, I made a copy of my Références sheet in another empty Google Sheets. It’s alright!
I have another request because I didn’t find a clear answer in Community topics :
- Updates from Glide to Google Sheets work fine.
- Updates from Google Sheets to Glide work only in Extra sync mode. I’ve been waiting tens of minutes in Normal sync mode after having changed data in Google Sheets, but nothing change in Glide.
Is it the normal behavior?
In Normal sync mode, Glide will sync the data from the google sheet only if it thinks it needs to. For example, if you made a data change from the app.
In Extra sync mode, Glide will actively sync with the google sheet every few minutes (while the app is actively being used) regardless if there are data changes or not.
On the flip side, google also sends data changes to glide. If you make changes directly in the sheet, usually the first 1 or 2 data changes are sent to Glide immediately. After that, it can take a few minutes for Google to send the data to Glide.
So the trigger to sync can happen from both sides. If Glide doesn’t know that changes have been made within the google sheet, it really doesn’t have a reason to sync, unless you have Extra sync turned on. As for Google, it’s at their discretion when and how often then send data updates to Glide.
I’ve made minor changes to data directly in my Google sheet because it’s easier sometimes. Usually it syncs up pretty quickly, especially if the app is actively being used by someone, but if it’s taking a while, the I usually just do a manual sync to force Glide to resync with the google sheet.
ok @Jeff_Hager . To sum up, what I understand, in Normal sync mode, synchronization works in both side, depending on how app is used.
Actually, my Références Googe Sheets should not be often updated that much. What I only want to know is that updates are made from Google Sheets to Glide, and it does according to you 
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Correct. It will sync both ways, even in Normal mode. It will sync eventually, but you can always go into the builder and click the manual sync button to force it if you need to.
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