Switching between users

Am trying to fathom how if my admin is wanting to switch between the schools that we are currently building their drinking water safety plans. I have it setup so that our admin is using a single email address, but he wants to be able to switch to update content on different schools. The schools are separate rows and when we click on the card for the school the content page shows the first row that the user is logged into. Have tried setting column vales and adding a filter to the users email address but not working.

It’s a puzzle and it’d be good to know if there’s a way to switch users email, just like you would do on your Mac for example. Here’s how the interface looks as a reference. Thanks

I don’t really understand the need for switching users?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to just give your Admin users access to all rows?

What is the action on your Card Collection?

Can you provide a little more information please, the following would be most helpful:

  • A screen shot from the builder layout that shows the screen components list
  • A screen shot that shows how the card collection is configured
  • A screen shot of the underlying data table
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I agree, but we wanted to have the ability of having the content laid out in tabs, so users can jump to sections to complete. So have set up the link from school selector to goto the drinking water safety plan page for what I was hoping to be the selected school.

But because I’ve setup the pages this way instead of the usual - linking by a new screen to each page that its not working.

It’s not a major to undo the layout and make it normal, i.e linking via new pages, just a bit of back tracking …

Do you mean the Collection Item Click action?
What you could do is first set the RowID of the selected item in a column in the User Profile row, then use that as a filter on the target tab.

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ok I tried this method, but I decided to roll back to the safest and simplest method. Feel like it’s easier to do it the basic way and get my colleague to do the edits then we switch the email address over to the school.