Succipe šŸ· The recipe for financial success! [UPDATED]

Hey, folks! :wave:

:arrows_counterclockwise: Features Update:

I did some updates in Succipe , and I want you to test it again before I release it in the topic

I made some design improvements:

  • Now we have not only the Monthly gain, but the Extra income in Home Screen
  • We have a new Ingredient: Undertake
  • After you add some record in some ingredient, a floating button shows up in Home Screen to easily click and go to a Release History
  • The Extra Income screen explaining why thatā€™s now 25% of Total Gain
  • Have any record you wanna repeat for another months? Now you can simply switch Repeat Monthly, and itā€™s done!
    Easily see with graphics if you are reaching the estimated amount to pay or invest, and track all your launches.


Or, as I like to call it as Success Recipe has all the steps you need to know to change your financial habit and help you, in a simple and fun way, to start NOW on how to separate and save your money, and of course, achieve financial success!

This method was created and tested by the woman who owns the biggest finance channel in the world, NathƔlia Arcuri (and sorry world, but she is Brazilian! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Iā€™m so glad to share it with you for several reasons:

  • :lock: Security
    This app follows all security rules, leaving your data and information added to it completely safe.

  • :globe_with_meridians: Bilingual
    As soon as you enter the app, you will be able to see a screen that you can choose between English or Portuguese.

  • :paintbrush: Fully-glide-resourced
    No CSS code. Many know me like this for using or trying to use in many apps that I make and show you here. But this is Fully-glide-resourced!

This app Iā€™ve been dreamed of creating it since I meet Glide. I had some bugs and stress with some broken actions these days, but thanks @Mark and all the team! Here it is.

Achieve Financial Success through a simple and fun method. :rocket:

I hope for your sincere feedback, thank you! :heart: :pig:

Some screens of Onboarding


Superb work brother!

Now we know how much time Lucas has put in this to make it look the way he want, after all those apps with crazy CSS :grin:

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Lol, yes! And this is to show here how itā€™s possible to make beautiful apps also without any code, as Glide offers

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Amazing stuff! Keep it up brother.

Btw whatā€™s this add button on the bottom right? Itā€™s native to Glide?

Edit: Lol I am late to the party this time. Just saw the floating button is released in production!


Thank you, brother!!

You see! Thatā€™s amazing :star_struck:

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Thinking about change the order of buttonsā€¦

Add button be floating
Tip in another place

Gotta study better this screen

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And you say NO CSS :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

The Two twin buttons and you say NO CSS :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::rofl:

Love the app!


Hahaha :rofl: believe or notā€¦ no css or html

Thank you, wiz!!

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I believe you !

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Saying not for you, but our friends here whoā€™s reading too lol



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Amazing work @Lucas_Pires! The overall experience is very nice. Congrats!

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Impressive work!
Feels good too!
And hadnā€™t seen the Floating Button, so thanks for pointing that out too!


@Lucas_Pires top work :+1:

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Thank you so much, Silvio! :pray:t3:

Thank you Erwin!! I realized it few minutes ago before I post here lol

Thank you Jason!! :facepunch:t3:

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By far one of your best worksā€”minimal and beautiful. I found myself tapping the ā€œbalance hideā€ monkey for 15 seconds straightā€¦so satisfying.

:see_no_evil: :monkey_face:


@Lucas_Pires This is seriously one of the best App design. I need to learn a lot from you guys.
Thank you for sharing.

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Yep, what a well designed app! The onboarding experience was slick! :sunglasses:

How did you make that image of the five pink dots changing above each onboarding page?

Or the language selection button change colours when pressed? :100:

Awesome work @Lucas_Pires! :+1:t2::+1:t2:

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