Source of the title bar actions of a collection

My main page is tied to the Users table, but my Kanban component is tied to the Tasks table. Nevertheless, when I go to add an action, I am only shown actions related to the Users table, and not the actions I have already created related to the Tasks table: This seems like an error or oversight.

I don’t think it’s an oversight.

Actions of a collection can be broken down into 2 categories: actions that apply to an item (item click or button click), and those that don’t (title bar).

They are set up as follows:

  • Item clicks and collection item actions are tied to the data source of the collection
    The action is to be applied to an item (a row), as their name suggests. This is what happens as the user interacts with the item: he clicks on the item or a button on the item. So by the default the actions will run on top of the table of those items.

  • Title bar actions are tied to the data source of the screen
    These actions cannot apply to an item in particular, since the action is in the title bar and not on an item. The Show Form action in the title bar does apply to the table of the collection, but it could have been another action altogether. So to me it makes sense that actions in the title bar be associated to the data source of the screen. If the action happens to be a Show Form (add item), then when setting up the form screen you can define which table you want to write to. Defining the data source of the form screen at the form level and not the button level allows you to launch a form screen to any table from anywhere in the app.

I think we’re not talking about the same thing. I am talking about the Kanban component, which actually has its own table assignment:

It would seem fitting that actions relating to the Tasks table would be available on that component.