Sneak Peak: Boss Battles! ⚔️

@Antonio @Adrianne_Ngam Can’t wait to see triggered actions in…well…action! This feature is crucial to having a “Boss battle” in the app.

The way I see it working:

  • “Who’s Turn” column is empty
  • “Battle” Button (visible when “Who’s Turn” is empty)

1.) Click “Battle” button to initiate a battle

  • marks “Who’s Turn” true
  • “Attack” button replaces “Battle” button (visible when “Who’s Turn” is true)

2.) Click “Attack” button

  • deals damage to Boss (increment “Damage Dealt” column by User Attack Value, Math column = “Boss Health” - “Damage Dealt”)
  • ALSO marks “Who’s Turn” false
  • “Defend” button replaces “Attack” button (visible when “Who’s Turn” is false)

3.) Click “Defend” button

  • deals damage to user (increment “Damage Received” column by Boss Attack Value, Math column = “User Health” - “Damage Damage Received”)
  • ALSO marks “Who’s Turn” true
  • “Attack” button again replaces “Defend” button (visible when “Who’s Turn” is true)

So on and so forth until either user health or Boss health <=0.

Only works if triggered actions is a thing, though! Can’t wait!!!