Single Value Column does not respect Row Owner ownership


If the Single Value Column is used to get a value from another sheet (where Row Owner is enabled), the single value retrieved will be from a different user.

Steps to replicate:

  1. Create 2 sheets (sheet A and Sheet B);
  2. In Sheet B, create a column “Email” and add 2 rows with different emails (Email 1, Email 2);
  3. Enable Row Owner for column “Email” in Sheet B;
  4. Now in sheet A, populate it with content so that it appears in Glide’s Data Editor;
  5. In Glide’s Data Editor, create a new column and select “Single Value” - configure it, by selecting: First, and select the column “Email” from sheet 2 as the second configuration input;
  6. Click Done after editing;
  7. Now in “Preview As”, enter the second email address, that is in the second row of “Sheet B”.

The outcome: Single Value column output will be the email found in row 1 in “Sheet B” instead of the email in row 2.

Expected behaviour:

The single value column output should reflect Row Ownership. Meaning: Single Value Columns respect Row Owner constraints (Full data ownership).

Current behaviour:

Single Value column output will be the email found in row 1 in “Sheet B” instead of the email in row 2.

Additional information:
Nothing to add

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@bryanrcosta Thanks for reporting this. I’ll check it out and pass it along to the Glide team.


Thanks @George_B - if further input is needed, let me know.

This may be an issue in the builder, but it cannot happen in apps. Preview As in the builder is a simulation, so it can have some subtle differences with the actual secure behavior in apps. We’ll check the behavior to see if we can improve this in the builder.


Thanks @david for the input. In my case it populated my google spreadsheet with the wrong email. I’ll double check on my side again, and get back to you with an update.

Update: I can confirm that Single value column does indeed respect row ownership.

I can also confirm that the issue is indeed in the preview as builder. Sometimes it changes (with delay) though.