Simple "share app" solution

Hi all.

I want users to be able to share my app with their friends.

Is there a simple way to do this? I would have thought it would be very simple but I haven’t seen a component for it or anything useful in the documentation.

Share to:
any other native apps found on a phone?

Thanks in advacne.

You should have a share action that you can put on a button or any other component that has actions.

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In the old Classic Apps, there used to be an About screen by default in the menu. Many Glide builders requested it be removed by default, so this About screen isn’t in the new Glide Apps.

(Old) Classic Apps

The table was exactly as displayed here, it was non-editable.

(New) Glide Apps

Now, as Jeff suggested, you would need to rebuild an About page with the information and various actions you would want to offer. It’s not much work, but it’s not available by default either. You could use a table collection or action row components as I did here.

The share link action works well on mobile, it opens the phone’s share menu and you can share as wanted. I’m not too sure about the share link action on desktop/laptop.

(you can put the screen in the menu if you don’t want it to appear in your navigation)


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