✍🏽 Signature Component

With the signature component, you can let users sign for things in your apps! The signature component generates an image file for each signature and saves that image in your sheet.

Read more in our docs.


Wow!! This will change the market! Thanks! I already have some use case for it.

So now we know that @JackVaughan loves cats and had a previous job as a sheep sheerer. Who knew?! :upside_down_face:

…sorry…I meant “Janice”


Woooow! I had this in mind, and actually just delivered an app for a customer with the signature component.
Shared with CloudApp
Amazing, love it!


Due to an unfortunate accident I had to hire a vehicle yesterday through enterprise rent a car (long story!) anyway the representative of the company asked me to ‘do’ some paperwork. This ‘paperwork’ involved an iPad containing an electronic consent form which I had to read and agree too by providing, you guessed it, an electronic signature. I paused for a moment just looking at the screen, she asked if there was a problem? I just looked at her and said “I was just looking at the signature ‘component’” she was like “what is this bloke talking about” I was going to explain that I can now do this on glide but thought best to leave it and just signed away. Sad I know but true. Anyway thanks glide team for a great addition to the app. Just need to figure out how to prevent the user from deleting their signature as it is easily accomplished using the ‘cross’ icon at the top right. I don’t want them to delete the signature unless I explicitly allow it once it has been submitted. Probably easy just haven’t had time to properly test it, yet


Wow !!! It´s a great feature !!! All audits will use it without doubt.
What a pity !! it’s a paid component. Only 10 !!!

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I’m sure you could hide the signature component once it contains a value. Possibly replace it with an image component.


I’ve tried it with apple pen and iPad pro - it does not work with these tools but at the same time, you can write with a finger!
It works with the Wacom board on laptop… Why not with iPad pro and pen?
Anyway, it’s a great feature and I hope we will have handwritten notes and sketch with a pen soon. :love_you_gesture:

How many signature per month with pro?

@Mike_Mike As many as you can get to agree to your conditions :wink:


Outstanding! :grin::grin::grin:

@JackVaughan After Signing there is delay while sign is uploading. You can put loader over-there. Likewise when image uploading.


The module does not work in full screen (my configuration : windows 10 + chrome Version 83.0.4103.116 (Build officiel) (64 bits)).
The signature works but the image is not loaded.

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Hey @Jeremie_maga - what do you mean by full screen? Could you send screenshots/video and maybe an app link if poss?


Left = app instal with chrome in my win10 (no ok)
Center = app URL chrome full screen (no ok)
Right = app URL chrome mobile view (ok).

New app for the test :


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Thanks very much for this, I will pass on to the team.


How can I view all the signatures that the users entries in my app if my column “sign” is setting on “Column is user-specific”?

You’s have to pass that value via a form submission somehow.

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If the signatures are already in the storage of Glide has to be a way to access all signatures :confused:

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Your only option when using user specific columns is to preview as each individual user in the glide builder.

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