Show user list

Hi there,

I’m building an events app where users can join (or leave events).
If I’m showing a user list in the app, only the loggedin user is shown there.
When I disable the “row owner” property, then my “Edit profile” page doesn’t show my info.

Can somebody explain me how I can:

  • Show all users part of the app
  • Edit my profile details (name, email, photo)

If you’re not using row owners, then you’ll need to apply a filter “where email is signed-in user”

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Where would I need that filter? On the edit profile page?

Currently it seems that “row owner” really hides all the data of the other app users, really annoying.
All I want is to show a full list of every app user. But when I do that, I can’t seem to edit my own user data anymore (name, email).

Or you can do it in the back. Create a “private user sheet” and an “public user sheet”. You can do this with an array column in your spreadsheet, and basically double the user’s sheet. Then in the app you have your private user sheet with row owners and the other one open. You can also choose what information to send to the public sheet, that way you limit the information that you want to show from each user publicly

Awesome, thank you!

A few more questions:

  • Once a new user signs in, how do I “automatically” duplicate the data into the public user sheet?
  • How should I tackle the “edit profile” page? Will it be possible to adjust the data in the public user table? (set column?)

So it will be added automatically if you are using an array column. So when a new user signs up, that info should go to the private sheet, then with the array it will be copied for you. an example of array column would be as follows:
=arraycolumn(‘PROFILES’!A2:C) Using this formula will take the first three columns of the user’s sheet and copy it in the new/public sheet

The public sheet should never be touched, otherwise the formula won’t work, all the edits should happen in the private sheet

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Now it’s clear! Thank you so much for your approach.

One more thing though: Im using Glide 2.0 with Glide tables.
Array columns aren’t supported yet in Glide tables, is there another approach?

If you are only using glide tables, then use @Darren_Murphy’s suggestion.

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Yea, unfortunately this won’t work with Glide Tables as Jeff suggests

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