Show on screen

sorry idont know what call it in subject

Hello everyone.
Hope this is not a stupid question, and I have searched all over and got several options, but I simply cannot see what is most correct or best.

What I would like, I have a button on the front page where the user can click to enter their task list, this is where my problem comes, how do I make it so that only the tasks that the giving user has created they can see .

Is it possible that I have understood it correctly that you cannot do that on the free version?

But hope someone can guide me

Two ways.

Either way, you need a column in your Tasks table that uniquely identifies the user that created each task. The user email address is commonly used, or sometimes a UserID (RowID from the Users table).

Once you have the above, then you have two options:

  • Option 1 (secure): Apply Row Owners to the email column in your Tasks table. That’s it, done. Each user will only see their own Tasks, and it will be impossible for a user to see any other users tasks.
  • Option 2 (not secure): Use filtering. Apply a filter to your Collection. It should be something like “Email is Signed in User”

thanks for your prompt reply.
That’s right, there must of course be an ID number for each item, its me where are stupid and forgotit
I always used in asp coding e.g. when they created a question, then the userid was saved in the table for their question as an OwnerID so it was linked to the UserenID
I’ll just watch those videos and see if I don’t get it this time. have otherwise looked at many. and can see there are several ways it is explained.
What I emphasize is that it must be the most secure as it is the user’s data / info. and the thing about making it invisible is not visible on the screen but is still downloadable and with a 3rd party tool you can access that information.

In that case, you should use the first option - Row Owners.
With Row Owners applied, each user device will only download those rows that are owned by the signed in user. So it becomes impossible for other users to get at that data, as it doesn’t exist on their device.

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Thanks again but.

It doesn’t solve my problem the one with rowID.
Regardless of who I log in with, I can see what the different people have created.
Maybe I didn’t explain it well enough.
You have a page where user1 creates a task.
When User2 logs in, he should not be able to see User1’s task.
But I, as an admin, can see all the tasks that have been created by going to the individual profile
I have created a Role in the Users table where I have Admin and Members.
But it must still be the case that User1 cannot see what tasks User2 has created.
And I just tried it in the 2 guides it didn’t help.

Now I know it’s not aspen. but there they would do that
If UserLevel=“Admin” then “show data” else
Than If.
However, that was just a short description

  • Add a column called “Admin” in the Tasks table, always write “Admin” to that column when you create a new task. You can follow these steps.
  • Set that column as “Row owner”.

  • Also use a special form value to pass ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶o̶w̶I̶D̶ of the user who created the task to the Tasks table. (Edit: pass the email, not the rowID)

  • Also set that column as “Row owner”.

  • In the Users table, make sure you have already set the “Role” column with values being Admin and Members.

That won’t work unless they give each user their RowID as a Role.
I think what they should do instead is pass the signed in users email address with the form into an email column in the Tasks table, and make that a Row Owner. Then it won’t be necessary to give “normal” users as Role - only Admins will need a Role.

Thanks for the answer, but I’m lost there, I simply can’t understand it and I’m probably stupid, but what you wrote I definitely believe is right, but it doesn’t make sense to me at all since I probably can’t see the visual for me.
I absolutely do not doubt your explanation, but it’s just me who knows how to do it. sorry

If you can provide two screen shots - one of your users table, and one of your tasks table - we can probably give you some more detailed step by step instructions.

I have taken some screen short and maybe I have built it wrong
 hope it makes sense


thanks agian for you use time on me :smiley:

Okay, there are a few things we need to fix here. Let’s take them one by one.

The below column in your Tasks table should be an Email type. Click at the top to edit it and change the Type. Then edit it again and select “Make Row Owner”.

You need one more column in your Tasks table. It should be a Text type. Name it AdminOwner, and make that column a Row Owner as well.

You do not need the below component on your form. Delete it.

To automatically set the users email when the form is submitted, you need to add a special component to the form screen. Click on the + to add a component, and look for the following one:
CleanShot 2024-02-01 at 00.00.56@2x
Add that, and configure it to write to the email column in your Tasks table.

To automatically set the OwnerAdmin column, add a Text Entry component to your form. Configure it to write to the OwnerAdmin column, and give it a default value of Admin. You also need to set a visibility condition on this so that it will always be hidden. You can use anything that will never be true, eg “Some column is XXXXXXX” (or whatever).

Finally, you need to ensure that Roles are correctly setup in your User Profiles configuration. Refer to the below:

That should be it. Let us know how you get on.


I don’t understand this here:
To automatically set the OwnerAdmin column, add a Text Entry component to your form. Configure it to write to the OwnerAdmin column, and give it a default value of Admin. You also need to set a visibility condition on this so that it will always be hidden. You can use anything that will never be true, eg “Some column is XXXXXX” (or whatever).

Because it is already in shape. since a column with the name AdminOwner has been created,then hide the field.

There in invisibility what to choose there? because I can see there are several of them that hide the field, but which is the right one

You should be doing this in the Form screen, not in the Data Editor. I think I need another screen shot.

There is no right or wrong one. All that matters is that you set a condition that can never be true.

Hope you can use this picture

Like @Darren_Murphy said, you can choose anything as long as it’s never true. I like to use RowID is empty because Row ID’s will never be empty, so it’s a condition that would never be true. Or do something like RowID is ‘happy day’ because a Row ID will never contain the value ‘happy day’.


the picture i have oploade whit my user table. are this correct setup.?

It does not work.
just tried to go on with the other user and i can still see what user1 has created
And have done what you have written. so I really don’t know what it is I should do differently or what I am doing that is wrong. because its not work

Yes, as written earlier, it was probably me who made the mistake and didn’t doubt what you said either, that’s why I asked if you could if I had made a stupid mistake.
And I had to see that true.
because where it shows the list of what was created, I had set the filter incorrectly.
now it says like this
IS User Profile - Row ID

so now it will only be shown to the person who created it. should just test if it works so admin can see it

I’m trying to make a filter so that admin can see them all. but as soon as I choose AdminOwner, it doesn’t matter what I choose in the filter list, I don’t get those that haven’t been created by the admin.
how can that be? In AdminOwner where alm. member has created, the field is empty, but admin says admin. how to solve it.

Sorry, should have said passing the email, not the rowID. I believe they can work in tandem (the “Admin” column and the “Row owner email” column). Edited my original comment.

I just want to know iam do it right, see picture