Is it possible to set a condition for visibility on a different sheet from where the component is placed? To give a little bit of context my app is an on-demand market place for DIY’ers to get advice or hire someone at short notice. I’ve made good use of component visibility throughout and I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved so far
I’m looking for a solution where once a tradesperson (contractor) has accepted a job they are barred from accepting others until their current job is completed. Using an Uber for example, a driver cannot accept all requests around them as riders would be waiting a very long time and there’d be none left for other drivers.
On a high level view, the spreadsheets handles new requests, job allocation and completion of the requests. Glide handles the form entries and strategically placed visible and invisible components make up the app’s workflow.
for instance
- A DIY’er submits a request -> form component
- The DIY’er prompted to make payment
- contractors can view a feed on unallocated jobs and accept/reject a request with a form
- title component’s title and details field are dynamic and communicate when their request is accepted
- DIY’er’s request is no longer visible to other tradespeople once accepted
- tradesperson will get a clickable link for WhatsApp message with the DIY’ers number, but only after DIY’er has paid.
- if after 30 minutes the DIY’er hasn’t been contacted, they will get a clickable link for a WhatApp message to notify me of the delay.
- the required service is carried out
- tradesperson marks job as complete using a different form
The form responses from the DIY’ers are fed into googlesheets and are further extended on Glides with several relation, lookup, template and if-then-that columns to manage the workflow mentioned above.
There is a clock in / clock out sheet and associated form for the contractors to let the app know who’s online and when. On another sheet, a query pulls in data from a sheet where the tradespeople Accept jobs allowing me to handle job rejections and ensure they don’t feed onto the main job requests sheet.
These two sheets allow me to determine which tradespeople are available, busy or offline on the main tradespeople master sheet.
All unallocated jobs are shown on page in the app as an inline list. As per point 5, a job will disappear once accepted. I tried to reference the status (available, busy, offline) as lookup column in the job requests page but this didn’t work because the records are for the specific job not the tradesperson themselves. Also I think the status would populate until after the job had been accepted anyway (someone correct me if I am wrong).
In my current approach there doesn’t seem to be a way where i can set the visibility of new job request based on the condition of a cell in a different sheet (tradespeople master sheet)
Forgive me if I’m not making any sense and if this has already been asked and answered. Has anyone attempted an uber clone in Glide, does anyone have a suggestions on how to prevent a one tradesperson from gobbling up all the available jobs requests?