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When using Row Owners, you don’t need to set a filter because only the data owned by the User or Admin will be downloaded to the device. Row Owners already determine who has access to the data, so it acts as a filter (but now securely) without you having to set up a filter.

Yes, your filter looks correct, but you shouldn’t need it if you are using Row Owners, as the result should be the same.


As Jeff said, if you set it up correctly then you don’t need filters. Clearly you haven’t got it set up correctly, so let’s fix that.

Just skimming back through your screen shots, the below jumps out at me:

CleanShot 2024-02-01 at 21.32.28@2x

That column is wrong. You’ve created it as a User Specific column, and that won’t work. Delete it, then create another one and do not tick the “Column is user-specific” box. Then make it a row owner :point_down:

Two more things that I am suspicious about.

  1. Your Users table. Please show me a screen shot.
  2. Your User Profiles configuration. Go to Settings->Users & Authentication->Edit User Profiles, and show me a screen shot of that. It should something look like the below:


I made a pendant “AdminOwner” and which is set to Row owner"
I can see that when a member creates, it does not write Admin in that column even though the default value is set to Admin, you just get a screenshot
I can see in the user profile that I haven’t got it set to Role. I completely forgot about that in this app. I use this app to practice and then I want to do it in the app that I’m building, so I don’t screw up that app.
Just changed it so it says Role

I’m just trying to read through your whole guide again and check if it’s done that way.
so I’ll get it fixed if there’s a mistake. just to make sure there isn’t a stupid mistake.
Because otherwise it’s hard to find out why if it doesn’t work. then it’s better to start over to be absolutely sure.


You write this " To automatically set the users email when the form is submitted, you need to add a special component to the form screen. Click on the + to add a component, and look for the following one:
CleanShot 2024-02-01 at 00.00.56@2x
Add that, and configure it to write to the email column in your Tasks table.

To automatically set the OwnerAdmin column, add a Text Entry component to your form. Configure it to write to the OwnerAdmin column, and give it a default value of Admin. You also need to set a visibility condition on this so that it will always be hidden. You can use anything that will never be true, eg “Some column is XXXXXXX” (or whatever).

Finally, you need to ensure that Roles are correctly setup in your User Profiles configuration. Refer to the below:"

There I have set the default value to “Admin”, but when I create, it writes the email address.
I had to add the “apps users email” and it is the one who writes the email address in adminover.
What could I be doing wrong?

The Special Value should only fill the email column for the specific user. The hidden entry component should only fill the admin column.

Show screenshots of how you have everything set up. It’s hard to follow how you have everything configured without them.

That’s what he wrote I should do like that. Isn’t it in OwnerAdmin that I should set the default value to “Admin”? or what kind of field should I do it in?
Because if it’s in another field, it hasn’t been done and maybe that’s why it fails on that.

To automatically set the OwnerAdmin column, add a Text Entry component to your form. Configure it to write to the OwnerAdmin column, and give it a default value of Admin .

OwnerEmail and AdminOwner should both be set a Row Owners in the table. Owner email is set from the Special Value. AdminOwner is set from the entry component that you hidbon the screen.

Again, screenshots would be really useful here and probably help to clear this up much more quickly. That way we can see from the screenshots of you missed something. We’re kind of all over the place getting user profiles configured, getting the user table configured, and getting the form configured, so it’s hard to tell what you do and don’t have set up correctly.

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thanks… but i have a problem…
i have change in db but it will not update it the layout so i an stuck.
try to refresh window, close the windows start new op… i miss the button to sync db…

I can’t do anything to change what I just did so that it fits with the guide that has been made. there I can’t get into the layout to do anything because fields are not shown only db it doesn’t sync. is it a sliding error?

I think that is the reason why it fails. Is it not a mistake that two different names have been written? that it should only be one of the names that should have been used

It doesn’t matter what you call it. You can call it whatever you like. If I referred to it with two different names, that was just a typo on my part.

It wasn’t for that genre that I wrote it. I was just wondering if both should be there or not. I suspected it would be the same, but just want to be sure

Its work now very smooth and no problem a all…
I reset all settings i start from start in your guide step by step.
and now its work. :smiley: iam so happy thanks again…
i think i have do something wrong then i doit first time

so that’s why I decided to make it all over again so that I could get a better overview of it and get an understanding of how it all fits together.

can i use it to a button to? so its only me or do i use visibility on that

Wonderful :slight_smile:

A button to do what?
Do you mean to control who can create Tasks, or…?

its me where are stupid my
my thought was that as an admin I could set it as active or not active.
but there you wrote earlier that I could create another app or an admin module in the app that I only had access to
and when I’m on the individual threads, I can just make it there :smiley:
I went straight there with my head where the sun never shines :smiley:

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