Public App with some selected content managers

Hi, I’m a bit lost on what I would need for my project. I’ve read the documentation and done some testing, but I’m opening this thread for advice.

It is a very simple app. A listing of events that are visible to everyone. Those events can be created by some users that I add to the system (not anyone who registers in the app can create events). These users can only edit their own events.

My question is, do I need a private plan for that? Or is there any way to do it with the free plan with row owners, two apps, conditionals…?


Is row owners absolutely necessary in your case? Shouldn’t the listing be available to all users? If so, I think you can do it with a free app.

  • Enable user profiles.
  • Have a column “Admin” in your user profiles and set it to true for users you allow to add listings.
  • Show the add button only to those users (conditional visibility), catch the signed-in user’s email when users add new listings.
  • Allow editing only when the email who added the listing is the same as signed-in user.
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That way there are no security problems? Or are there only problems using Conditional Visibility to “filter” content, instead of showing buttons, which is the case you propose?

thank you for your reply!

Sounds like you don’t have any need for securing the data, if everyone can at least view the listings. All you are doing with @ThinhDinh’s suggestion is controlling who can see the Add or Edit button.


Jeff was correct, I was thinking anyone should be able to view your listings, so row owners is not really suitable here.