Good evening,
My webapp aims at facilitating school homework for families via “fun - micro challenge” .
For 1 given family, there can have several kids in different classes at school; therefore, in step 1, the Family-Admin has to (1) create a family, (2) create user, (3) and very important, select school subjects per kid.
Then, the home page should display the subject (and earned points) of 1 given kid (he will select his firstname at each connection, given that we cannot rely on eMail for such young kids).
To deliver this ‘on-boarding’, I may create a very large sheet with multiple ‘visibility conditions’ which hide the Home page as long as initial steps are not dealt with. But this is heavy.
Does it exist a mean to hide full pages (and not fields) only when some conditions are met? (a hack could be: having some pages moving automatically, very fast, when some conditions are met…)
Many thanks in advance
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I don’t think you can hide a full page, but can’t you just have 2 buttons that redirect them to different pages. Let’s say one for registration, one for your home screen. The home screen button only shows up when the registration is considered “done” (you need to define a logic on how it can be considered “done”).
Thanks @ThinhDinh, this is what I am building at the moment.
Nevertheless, this appears to me so-so in terms of UX since (my view at this point) it obliges to have a page before the Home page for each connection; but maybe am I wrong.
The only other option that I found (as a very beginner) is the full page with multiple “visibility”…
How many fields do you think it would need to complete a full registration process?
In addition to that, would each kid has their own email, or do they rely on the coach’s email?
In terms of fields, I would say around 20.
Regarding eMail, given kids are young, they won’t have emails in many cases, therefore I use the “parent” email (except if I could have a dedicated email without creating it, such as:
- Parent : parent@emailFamily
- Kid 1 : parent+1@emailFamily
- Kid 2 : parent+2@emailFamily
I did not test if it works… but would be a could turnaround!
Is your app destined to be a public with email app?
Yes, each “Family-Admin” will sign-up with its eMail, and it will become the “Family eMail” to access the app
I’m thinking of a way to make it work without having to resort to make-up emails. Let’s say it’s like this:
- A family user can login with the family email.
- In the “Family” screen there will be a listing of all kids in that family.
- Kids must enter a right “PIN code” that their parents/grandparents gave them to access just their area (since they don’t have emails so we can’t do a visibility based on a user profile column).
What do you think?
I think that it’s the best approach.
When I tried to implement it, I struggled with the fact of having to integrate the “PIN” as a visibility condition on each following pages; if I am correct, this would mean having a visibility condition per field per page? (there are many pages, with many inline lists : , sorry, in French)
I was wondering if there was something simpler, but it’s probably the best approach…
Thank you @ThinhDinh !
Yes it would be tricky to do the visibility when kids access the app with a single family email. We don’t know which kid is logging on, that creates the problem.
About the visibility condition, let’s say we have 2 button that links to 2 screens for 2 different kids. They have to enter the right PIN for that button to become visible, does that make sense? That way you don’t have to do a whole page’s different field’s visibility.
However, it makes me question that how do you record different kid’s progress when we’re actually on the same account. There must be a trick somewhere in the submit form or in the sheets to make it work, and I can’t think of something like that for now. Any ideas would be welcomed.
Yes, this is another issue.
By the way, I tried the trick with entering parent+1@email ; parent+2@email etc :
- it indeed sends different “pin code” to login
- BUT the “points dashboard” remains the same whatever the login
so this doesn’t appear to be a good hack to (1) display individual page, (2) follow individual progress
A nightmare
It would be easier if you can just ask parents to make emails for their kids and take time to control it. Will you be willing to go that way?
The issue is that it creates a double constraint to buy-into the app:
- Many parents are relunctant about their kids having emails when they are as young as 8 y old
- It requires an external long process to do it for each kid
By the way, this would be an idea for Glide to manage users: enable creation of eMail (even ‘fake’ and without confirmation) as soon as the login page …
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Yeah I can understand that problem, but it leaves us at the headache of how to configure things for a family with multiple kids, and I believe it’s just the start for you to build this app. Hope someone can chime in with an idea.
I admittedly have not followed this thread very closely, so I don’t have a full vision of what you want, but What I’m getting is that you want one family email account, but wit multiple children? Then do you want to structure the app so only one child’s info is displayed at a time? I’m thinking you could have a home tab that points to a user profile sheet. On that screen would be a choice component where you select a child’s name. Since this selection is part of the user profile, you should be able to access it for filtering or visibility all over the app through the user profile. The only downside is if multiple children are using the app at once, then this wouldn’t work. Apologies if I’m way off here, but I just wanted to chime in with a thought.
Thank you @Jeff_Hager.
You summarized very well the issue.
About your idea, it indeed has the issue of multiple kids using the app at the same time.
At the end of the day, clearly it would be much easier to have an eMail per kid to login and join a “Family” (group).
But I’m convinced that many parents won’t do it for 7, 8, 9, 10 years old kids.
And this is probably the case for many apps related to young kids
Two ideas for Glide to hack the issue:
1/ A login combining Firstname + 1 admin eMail (always the same), and which would enable different sessions.
2/ To recognise different users based upon 1 single email with “+1”,
ex. parent@email for parents
parent+1@email for kid 1
parent +2@email for kid 2 etc.
(I tried, but it always open the same session)
I know Gmail will for sure with work with the method. Maybe you could enforce the use of Gmail and the parent could first sign in and create children rows and fill in the modified email addresses for each child. Then when the child signs in with the modified email (email+child), then the app could somehow recognize that based on the existing record the parent created and show the relevant information. Again, I’m pretty sure this would work great with Gmail and any other email provider that allows for the “plus” in the email.
Hi @Jeff_Hager thanks for your input, I just tried, but either I did it in the bad manner (probable) or it doesn’t work
Steps performed:
Parent connects with:
[Glide form > GSheet ‘User’ table]
Parent creates its kids’ firstname + fake emails:
[Glide ‘User’ page with template column]
Test message to check that it will change according to the email sign-in: “Hello FIRSTNAME” -> displays the parent’s firstname
Publish app and connect with one of the kid’s fake email
(big moment of stress after 3 days looking for a solution…)
Result: still displays the “Hello PARENT FIRSTNAME” message instead of the kid’s one …
As my kids would type: huge
Do you have any idea?
My last one was to make a ‘relation column’ with the GSheet table “App: Logins”, unfortunately it does not appear in the ‘data editor’
I’m not sure then. I thought it might work, but maybe glide ignores the +kids somewhere??? I tried logging into my whitelisted app with a + and it won’t accept it, so I assumed it work as a separate email in your case…unless you have your hello firstname set up wrong. How are you building the text? Are you sure you aren’t just displaying text from the first row in the sheet instead of filtering to the signed in user?
Good point! So, I just added a signed-in user visibility condition to the ‘Hello Message’
- with the parent’s email, the message “Hello papa” appears
- with the kid’s fake-email, it disapears; so there is a reaction.
BUT shouldn’t the message display the kid’s firstname in the test message?
(in case you have 2 mn, it’s in the “User” tab
Many thanks for your help