Sharing tables across teams

I want to create a Glide team on a maker plan for a public Applicants app to handle 1000’s of personal users that can upload their “resumes” and maintain them going forward. These are potential candidates for temporary work.

I plan then to also have a business plan team where a Management app resides. Management would need to review and process candidates from the applicants app. They would then have access to a database of “approved” candidates to draw on to allocate to operational calendars also managed in the Management App.

Given the nature of the work, we expect up to 2000+ candidates that would maintain profiles on the Applicants App. ((“Hence need for a separate glide team where we can have unlimited personal users.)
It is not viable to have a single app with thousands of users on the business plan app.

Applicants would be expected to maintain their own personal data (banking, addresses etc.) on their app and this info would need to update in the Management app as well.

Hence the idea to have separate teams on separate plans. What is best way to set up sharing the profiles data from the Applicants app with the Management app across the two Glide teams?
Appreciate guidance.

I don’t think you can share Glide Tables across teams, so what about a Google Sheets with a single sheet to store those users? You don’t have to store all tables in this sheet, just the ones you need to share.

Only problem is re-doing all computed columns since those can’t be shared between 2 apps.

Banking info is a prohibited type of data.

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Thank you for input and heads up regards data restrictions.
Data restrictions on bank account numbers torpedoes use of Glide in any app used to manage processing of payment type transactions. Supplier invoices, job costing, etc etc. That makes Glide unsuitable for finance and HR functions of any business. That’s big!

I understand restriction on credit and or debit card numbers but supplier bank account numbers used for making payments to, seems limiting. Not an expert but if I have possession of a bank account number the only thing I could do with it is make a payment to it. Nothing else.