How about someone sanity checks the thought process here:
Idea: How ‘choices’ could be preset from a Sheet.
Assumptions: This is all Google Sheets based, so Glide picks up the sheets ‘as one’, there aren’t disparate Data Sources.
Sheet 1: Data - This is your regular ‘import’ - it contains your columns of information, or at least the headers if they’re not populated yet.
Sheet 2: Choices - This sheet contains columns of choices. A column is a discreet set of choices - a container for one set of answers. Note Not one set of ‘questions’ or fields.
Sheet 1 - Headers - Contain Text String of the column/field name as per normal. Additionally they contain a tag. For the example I’ll use double curly braces {{}}.
The Header in Sheet 1 that wish to be linked as fields related to a choice are tagged, iin this example as {{GF#}}. G=Glide (cos why not), F=Field (The question the choices answer), # = unique number that links the specific choice and field.
In Sheet 2 the relationship pair is made. Now {{G
C#}}, where C=denoting this column is for the choices, and the #=unique number linking the pair.
Now you have linked tags. However one set of choices can be linked to multiple fields as needed.
To ensure that this doesn’t get messy, when uploaded and recognised as having field/choices tags, Glide does NOTHING. However, there is now an option for the column, like ‘set as owner’, but this is ‘set as field’, or ‘set as choice’. Anything in the {{}} is ignored from a text presentation point of view - it isn’t read as text for field labels etc… Or if that’s a problem, then once the ‘set a field/choice’ has been selected then the {{}} are deleted from the header to ensure that they can’t be re’seen’ later.
The relatonships that Glide makes in the ‘source’ and 'write to’ field are already built in the builder, this tag system tells that database that ‘here’s your relationship already’.
I thiiiiiink that’s it.
Somebody please sanity check it? I’m speaking from ignorance here. I know this, but I have to get it ‘out’ of my head and sanity checked. I very much doubt that it’ll interest anyone at Glide HQ, but at least I know if it’s an entirely dumb idea or may have legs. Again, not that it actually matters as it’ll never happen, but I’ll be satisfied to know that I’ve attempted to assist in a problem that I have rather than just ‘whinge and moan like an impotent jerk’ (name that film for 10 points!)