Serious Design Flaw in Choice Component

In choice component, choices are cut off at one line with the elipses but there is no way to view the full sentence-therefore the elipses are misleading. This is a pretty serious design flaw because the ability to choose is going to be less than fully informed. Can this be fixed quickly/asap or am I missing something? See screenshot - mouseover should display the full item but it doesn’t-I had my mouse hovering over the last choice. @david or @Mark Thanks!

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This is a design and structural flaw. You didn’t miss or do anything wrong. Some components wrap text but this particular one you used, doesn’t do text wrapping.

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@Deena Thanks for the feedback. Yes, allowing text wrapping (2 lines max) in the rows for the choice component view, is something we’ve been requested before, and while we cannot commit to a specific time frame, I can tell you that it is under our radar :wink:

But just to make sure, I wanted to see if the image attached is what you were hoping to achieve with this request:


YESSSSS PLEASE! Just my two cents, but this is a serious issue in this component. I am trying to allow users to map their performance objectives to their manager’s objectives but they can’t see the full string so it’s going to be a terrible experience under the current state. Also, in prioritizing this on Glide’s end please consider that by giving the ellipsis, you are misleading and frustrating the user because they almost universally represent that in a digital environment, you can mouse over or click to see the rest! The user will ABSOLUTELY spend futile efforts trying to figure this out and likely give up and hate the app or report it as a problem to the app maker. :grin: Thank you for acknowledging this issue and hope to see the fix in production soon!


Deena now is your opportunity. Didn’t you also want the Rec…(header) to be visible in full as well :thinking:

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Yes, yes! I thought that was presumed but YESSS! It goes without saying that anywhere in the platform where Glide does not fully display entered text, but Glide has allowed it without character limitation, it needs to be addressed ASAP. Thanks for flagging it @Wiz.Wazeer and just tagging you again here @Antonio ! :blush:

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you tagged the wrong person
you tagged @Antonio_Lopes
instead of @Antonio


ooops! Good catch and thank you! fixing it now…

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@Deena check this out :wink:


Brilliant! :smiley::ok_hand:t2::clap:t2::raised_hands:t2::pray:t2::heart:


I also noticed that there is a text wrapping option in List layouts. I can’t remember if that was always there or if maybe it was added the same time as this modification.


Also new! Been waiting for that in order to display comments collected from users via a form!!! Today is a great day haha! :smiley:


So so so so happy this evening !!!

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Right? So many little things that mean so much! :grin: :grin: :grin:

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Also, data source is now a thing in the app settings.

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Just need Posts Layouts!!!


What are Posts layouts?

I’ve posted a couple times about it—cards layout minus the image:

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Any ideas of how this is going to work? I know they are planning on having a different database but what exactly the data source entails at the moment?