I’m a beginner of glide.
Please allow my silly question. I’m creating a simple app.
I prepared one glide table using 300 rows.
On the 1st column, I created 300 items. (Data A)
On the 2nd column, I also created 300 items. (Data B)
I want to show 20 items from Data A randomly. And on another screen, I want to show 20 items from Data B randomly.
I succeeded in showing 20 items randomly for each page using inline list.
After that, when I click one of 20 items, I want to create detail screen using the action of inline list,” Show Detail Screen for this item” for each page.
In detail screen, I added Title component for both pages.
However, in the Title component, when I choose the title of data A for one page, another title in the different page, also become the title of data A.
When I choose the title of data B for one, another title also become the title of data B.
What is the problem? Do I have to create another glide table and have to upgrade?
As I can’t offer screen shots, so please ask me if you have any questions.
Thank you very much.