Sendig a QR Code via email

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to send a qr code that represent the contact data (name and email) via email to this contact.
I found different ways to generate the qr code and put into a contact fields. Either via the qrcode template and plugin internal of Glide and via, And the code is correctly attached in the field and read.
But when i try to send via email, in the email body is parsed as the source code, not the image :frowning:

Can someone helps me?
Thank you in advance,

Youd have to bring in the svg or png version of the qr code

Are you using an img tag in the body email or soemthing else?

I am doing right this.
I tried to attach the image tag in the body or directly the image in the email body but the email contains a code like this:
<img src=:"data:image/svg+xml,%3c%3fxml version=β€˜1.0’ standalone=β€˜yes’%3f%3e %3csvg xmlns=β€˜SVG namespace’ version=β€˜1.1’ width=β€˜250’ height=β€˜250’%3e %3crect x=β€˜0’ y=β€˜0’ width=β€˜250’ height=β€˜250’ style=β€˜fill:white%3bshape-rendering:crispEdges%3b’/%3e %3cpath x=β€˜0’ y=β€˜0’ style=β€˜fill:black%3bshape-rendering:crispEdges%3b’ d='M24.39%2c24.39 V30.49 H30.49 V24.39 H24.39 Z…

I didn’t modify the image generated or via internal plug-in or via quickchart… I think that the image is a svg or jpg

I tried to use an image tag in the body, an image tag like this:
"This is your Qr Code: <img src=:β€œdata:image/svg+xml,%3c%3fxml version=β€˜1.0’ standalone=β€˜yes’%3f%3e %3csvg xmlns=β€˜SVG namespace’ version=β€˜1.1’ width=β€˜250’ height=β€˜250’%3e %3crect x=β€˜0’ y=β€˜0’ width=β€˜250’ height=β€˜250’ style=β€˜fill:white%3bshape-rendering:crispEdges%3b’/%3e %3cpath x=β€˜0’ y=β€˜0’ style=β€˜fill:black%3bshape-rendering:crispEdges%3b’ d='M24.39%2c24.39 V30.49 H30.49 V24.39 H24.39 Z…”
And this is exactly what is printed into the body of the email.
I also tried to use an image field and put this field into the body or attacment, and this is always the result.