How to convert CODES from Experimental Barcode Column into Barcode PICTURE

Hi gliders!
We have the great Experimental Barcode column. And QR code column either. Great!
Bat when i try to send this to User by Sharing Button or by Email, - there is no picture inside, only codes (seems SVG… XML…).
So how we could send this to another user, for example to print bar-codes?

There is such text inside Barcode Column, for example

data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=‘574px’ height=‘142px’ x=‘0px’ y=‘0px’ viewBox=‘0 0 574 142’ xmlns=‘SVG namespace’ version=‘1.1’ style=‘transform: translate(0%2c0)’%3e%3crect x=‘0’ y=‘0’ width=‘574’ height=‘142’ style=‘fill:white%3b’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3cg transform=‘translate(10%2c 10)’ style=‘fill:black%3b’%3e%3crect x=‘0’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘6’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘12’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘22’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘26’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘36’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘44’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘48’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘60’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘66’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘76’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘80’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘88’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘98’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘106’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘110’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘116’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘120’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘132’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘138’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘146’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘154’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘158’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘166’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘176’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘182’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘188’ y=‘0’ width=‘8’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘198’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘208’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘212’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘220’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘226’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘234’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘242’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘250’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘258’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘264’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘270’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘278’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘286’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘290’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘298’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘308’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘314’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘326’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘330’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘336’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘348’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘352’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘358’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘370’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘374’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘378’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘386’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘396’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘404’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘410’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘418’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘424’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘434’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘440’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘448’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘458’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘462’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘468’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘478’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘484’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘488’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘496’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘506’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘514’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘518’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘528’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘538’ y=‘0’ width=‘6’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘546’ y=‘0’ width=‘2’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3crect x=‘550’ y=‘0’ width=‘4’ height=‘100’%3e%3c/rect%3e%3ctext style=‘font: 20px monospace’ text-anchor=‘middle’ x=‘277’ y=‘122’%3eDf9Ia0erR.6UAhThA71Z1A%3c/text%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e

It looks as HTML codes, but how we could transform this into a real PICTURE of Barcode?

I think that code can be generated as an image in your app, but deep down it’s still just a code, not an image “at heart”, hence if you want to share that you must find a third party solution that can convert it to an image.

May us know how are you generating that using Experimental Code column? (Code, not Barcode).

Thank you ThinhDinh.

Yes, i am asking is there somebody who knows the ways to convert this into picture. Understand about third party, just asking advice which party could be there?)

There are a few ways to get this Code from Barcode Column as its Content:

  • Showing the Barcode Column as a Text Component on a screen
  • Sending the Barcode Column by Compose Email with Body = Barcode Column
  • Share Link etc.
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