Send user to top of screen with action

Have you tried from a mobile device?
That’s the real acid test.
I just tried yours.
After submit, there was a 2-3 second delay before the choice components were reset.
And the “Go to top” never happened at all…

A mobile device works the same as the web browser, and i tried it 6 times, it works just fine. Over and over again, it shows submission and sends me back to top of page

thats because you still need to add your username to the list, i didnt make that part remember, i just manually added my email. Let me add you to the list and then try it. I said earlier you still have to build your user profile page to add new users or we can use the actual login as a user but you wouldnt know anyones info aside from email.

Ok, login with same email and try it.

Gotcha. Sorry, I skipped past that earlier.
So okay, I enabled user profiles and set it to the home page. Also added row owners back.
Data is being stored now, but… the send to top of screen still isn’t working.
Tried logging into your copy again, and same thing (you should see one or two rows have been added by me now).

I’ll study it a bit more tonight.

What type of device are you on?Chrome browser sends to top of page.

Safari on IOS

And theres the problem…Apple does not renew cache on browsers unless it runs out of memory.

So back to square one, eh?
I’m thinking I’ll just go with the multi screen approach. It’ll be tedious to setup, but I know it will work. And will be more robust.

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Why do you want a user to return to same screen if they already filled out the data?

You did inspire me to build a actual psychological survey though. I don’t think it will be in the same manner as yours but it will help anyone that does hiring identify psychopaths, lazy people, pleasers, compulsive liars, etc.


So 1 is reality the next is expectation/goal?

Not exactly. Check that link I sent you privately.

Ths is kinda complictated to new people (not me)

It would be amazing if we could link to a separator component!!

That way the component would be used more often, and people will be able to link to everywhere.


Indeed :wink:

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