See following user's posts in feed

Continuing the discussion from Favorite Profiles (Follow):

I’ve recently finished recreating the Instagram template with Glide’s video tutorial and added some of my own features like setting your status and shoppable posts. In the feed, you’ll naturally see chronological posts from every user in the app; Is there a way (I’m assuming various relations) to display that in addition to posts only from people the user follows? Thank you for your help everyone!


are you using favourite as a parameter for following

Yes, I am.

then you can not do that but i have my own way of setting followers

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in your posts tab make it collect users email
then in your notification tab use an inline list for your posts sheet and filter it by if the email of creator is the person you are following

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any luck

If you are using favorites for the people you are following, then I think you could create a template column with the value of email of the person who made the post and the value of “true”, in the posts sheet. In the profile sheet, make another template column that joins the profile user and the value from the isFavorite column. Create a relation column in the posts sheet that joins the template to the template in the profile sheet. Set a filter on the posts list to only show posts where the relation is not empty.

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