How to show posts of only users that you follow?

Hi there,

I’m working on creating a social media app and I have a tab where all the posts from all the people are shown. Is there a way to filter them so that only posts from people you follow are shown to you?

Thank you!

How are you storing the “follow” data?

I tried it this way, but I think I’m doing something wrong:
In the USERS sheet, I created the relationship Is Favorited with Is Favorited and then it creates the list of people who are favorited by the signed-in user.
Then in the POSTS sheet, I created the lookup for that list and then in my mind the filter would use that list as a first value “includes” the second value which would be the username of the poster.

But I don’t think I created the “following” list correctly…?

I assume you’re storing the “Is Favorited” in the Users sheet as well.

In the Posts sheet, create a relation of the poster’s email back to the Users sheet, use a lookup to return the “Is Favorited”.

Then you can filter by that lookup, as favorites is natively handled as user-specific by Glide.

Oh I see!
Thank you so much, really appreciate it!

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