Search Bar for Big Table

I use the big table. the search bar does not work correctly like that of the Glide table.
Can you help me

Can you show me what actually happens ?

It only finds values ​​that are visible on the page, but other values ​​are not.

By “other values”, do you mean other columns in the same dataset, or values from the same column that are not presented on the view?

This is a screenshoot
And the result not found :

The column that contains “2018” - is that a computed or a non-computed column?
The search only works with non-computed columns.

this is a non-computed column.

The first one is non-computed, but the one that is used in your collection (the second one) is a computed column. Try changing that to use the first column and see if the search works.

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If you want to use computed columns in search bar, you may want to create a custom search bar.

Take a look at that template:

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Thanks for your help. I think I’ll try both

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