I now have 100 rows visible but still missing 299 from the referenced google sheet.
I cant find any help online about this problem. This community does not seem to be strong.
I now have 100 rows visible but still missing 299 from the referenced google sheet.
I cant find any help online about this problem. This community does not seem to be strong.
What plan are you on? …and honestly, this has been one of the best communities I’ve been a part of. There’s always someone here to help.
I also assume this is the same issue?
It helps to add to the current thread, not start a new one.
What other communities have the company CEO replying within an hour on a Saturday? Seems pretty strong to me!
I’m on the free.
Same problem different quantity
Fabulous the CEO responding.
Found two similar thread with no answers.
Will pay in a second if I can solve the problem.
Thanks in advance
How many rows altogether do you have in all sheets in the Google Sheet?
How to win clients and influence their purchase
"Wow! You must be as dedicated as I am if you are working on building something amazing on a Saturday! If it’s the case you are in the right place. I’m sorry you have a problem with the rows but I’m sure you will find the solution with one of our experts. I might have an answer as well… “xxxxxx”
Hope to see you on the otherside soon.
David - The only CEO working on a Saturday
Can you make a video showing the difference with loom.com?
Are there any filters?
Hello David,
I solved it. I purchased the startup version and I am all set. No idea where the additional columns came from? I didn’t see an alert or anything else telling me that I was past the limit??
I would have made the purchase this morning if I would have known it would fix the problem or had received an alert.
Thanks for checking in,
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