Row Limit reached for Legacy Classic App

My app was migrated from classic to the business plan. Everything was fine until I moved my app from “My Apps” to “My Team”. As soon as I did that the app is now showing “The App Has Rached its Update Limit” even though it hasnt.

I now have users that are unable to access the app at a really important time. I see this was an issue for some approx a month ago and is marked as resolved. Can I have the an explanation? And Ideally a quick fix too.

@DJP I see you’ve resolved this for others. Could it be expedited as its becoming very problematic for me. Many thanks

@Marcel_at_Glide Maybe you can help? Also noted that you have resolved this for other users by resetting the row quoted. Thanks

Now resolved. Unsure how. Just reintroduced the rows that were previously limited after 2 hours and we’re back to where we were I think.

Thanks for the update! I think this was just an instance where our system was taking a moment to refresh your quotas.

Thanks David. Normally wouldnt be a huge concern but like most things…it just seemed to happen at the wrong time on my end. All good though now I think.

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