Rollup in one sheet recognize one Math column in another as a string


I’m building an expense splitter, so I have some users in a table, and some expenses in another.

I perform some calculations to split the expenses the way I want in the expenses sheet, so I have several ‘Math’ columns there. Then, in the users sheet, I did a relation between them and the expenses, and now I’m trying to sum it all with a Rollup column, to see the ‘total’ someone is owing. The problem here is that there are some ‘Math’ columns that I can sum normally, but some that I can’t. It’s only showing ‘Count’ and ‘Count Unique’ as an option. I guess it’s being recognized as a String, but I don’t know why.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

Hey! Make sure every column in expenses sheet are number column


Adding to what Lucas said, do you happen to have empty values in those columns?

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Thank you, @Lucas_Pires and @ThinhDinh! Indeed, as the Math Column was getting the results from an If column, all of them that were filled were numbers, but some were empty. Adding an ‘else’ with a ‘0’ solved it.

Thank you!

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