I may be missing something but is it possible to reuse tabs/pages?
For example say I have a page which is currently linked to from a button and I need to change the parent page layout or link to it from another tab/button. Typically I will have to recreate the whole page. I know sometimes the same page will be used but what if I want to create multiple different pages using the same data?
Ideally I’d like to create “Tabs” which are hidden from the nav and not in the More menu which I can then link to wherever I like using the “go to tab” action.
This will then allow me to edit the one tab/page and not have to duplicate my work or worry about rebuilding it every time.
on the layout, open the screen you want to reuse. right click to copy all. create a (new) custom screen where you want to reuse this. paste. edit as you please.
im relatively new, so please wait for others to also comment, but you might want to give this a try.
Another technique is to create custom actions that take you to new screens, that linked to a common table that multiple screens in your app share. Then call on that same action from multiple places.