I have created an excel document by copying and pasted formatted text (e.g.,bold and italic) from a word document. I then open the excel document in google sheets. It is the google sheet I am using as the data for my app.
is there a way to bring formatted text into google sheets from excel?
So you uploaded the Excel document to Google Drive and open it as a Google Sheet? I don’t think you have a way to retain the format that way. Have you tried copy pasting directly to an empty sheet instead of through uploading a file?
Didn’t try that…thanks for the suggestion…it works; i.e., I can copy an retain text formatting from excel to gsheets.
two issues:
I try to display it in my app using a rich text field, but no formatting comes through.
glide is reformatting the data inside of glide so that when I look at the data in the glide display of the sheet it looks like all the fields are choices (like a choice field in airtable)
Another issue from the copy point of view is that I have A LOT of data that I am bring across, so I actually add another step in my transformation from word and that is from excel to airtable. Copy and pasting doesn’t seem like a workable process with so much data
how can I get formatted data into glide, markdown?
the data I am working with in Word has the formatting and I want to retain that when I use that data in my app. Any suggestions on how to get data from word to glide that preserves the formatting? As you already know I have used excel and on occasion I have also moved the data into airtable.
If it’s valid markdown, you should be able to display it in a rich text component.
Just one thing to note is that when Glide syncs with your Google Sheets, it only syncs the data - the contents of the cells - not any formatting that might have been applied for display in the Google Sheets.
@Darren_Murphy…apologies for not being my word and sending along a screenshot. The issue is now moot as I have the data stored as rich text in airtable (where it was living before moving it into GS so I could create an app from it). With the introduction of the airtable connection my issue has disappeared as glide recognizes and retains the formatting of the text inside of airtable
Thank you, again, for being so quick to lend a hand.